Our 2nd Way

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"Baby,hand me those!"

"These?? Sorry,but i want it too. This is for splashing me with water this morning" I said,raising it higher above my head. I knew she's too short to take it.

"It's not my fault! Mison unnie asked me to,you wouldn't wake up!" She was trying so desperatly to reach my hand.

"You know,for two girls who are fighting over a chocolate chip muffin,you two sure are loud" Mison unnie silently said,but everyone can hear it,i'm 100% sure.

"Unnie! Help me up,i helped you to wake her this morning! Y/n,Give me that!"

"No!" But suddenly,i no longer feel the muffin in my hand,so i glance to my back.

Areum unnie keep a bored face and divided the muffin into two pieces,handing one part to me and another to Luna unnie.

"Luna,learn to ask nicely.Baby, learn to share. And both of you learn to keep quite"

I nod and shoved the half muffin into my mouth,smiling as it melted in my mouth.

"She started it..." Luna quietly said and pouted.

"No,she started it"I said in a made baby voice.

"Gosh you two,if you didn't stop fighting,i swear i'll make sure the next diss track is for both of you" Mison said while eying us,hand still clasping her phone.

I stick out my tongue to Luna,while she did the same. The next thing i know,she's leaning on my shoulder while scrolling through her phone and i put my head on top of hers,leaning back. I was started to get bored, i didn't feel like taking my phone,that is across the room on the make up table. Besides,i didn't want to ask Luna unnie to get up. Strange,we were fighting for a muffin just now,and now we're what... Cuddling?
Okay,half cuddling.

I just eyed Areum unnie getting her make up. I'm a girl but i have to admit that she's pretty. To me, she's the second prettiest in the group, after Mison. And after that is Luna unnie, and there's me, the last one. But still, Starlings somehow always favoured me. Not to look down on my unnies, but that happened. Anyway,i'm more than happy to know i received a lot of love from my fans. 😆

"Aww,noooo" Mison unnie suddenly whailed, i saw her bumped her head onto the pillow.

"Wae?" Areum asked,her eyes closed while the stylist unnie do her make up.

"My phone almost died..."

"So charge it genius"

Luna and i covered our mouth,tried to stiffle in our laugh. But the keyword is tried...

"My charger is in the van... I'm too lazy to move. Areum-ah, lend me yours"

"I'm using it,ask Luna"

Luna raised up her phone,showing that it was connected to her powerbank. I suddenly stand up,stretching out my tensed muscles.

"I'll go,i'm bored anyway"

"It's at the seat that Areum's sitting this morning, in my pouch. And oh, by the way, since you're going there, don't forget to bring along the marshmallow jar in my pouch. Thanks for helping,love you baby, muah!" she send a flying kiss and continue to lay back on the sofa.

I rolled my eyes and open the door,
"Will you be back in time for the comeback?" Areum asked,eying me from the reflect of the mirror.

"Sure. I'll be super fast, besides i only have to put the head mic on and i'm good to go."

With one last wave,i left the room,tightening my grasp on my phone.


I fastened up my pace along the hallway,sliding myself between the peoples. As i was a little away from the hustle,i scroll through my phone. I was checking the Twitter,when i say what caught my eyes the most. There,trending number one worlwide, i saw the hashtag, #QueensAreBack

I smiled, Starlight sure are something, they could be the most extras out there, and sometimes the sweetest. But most of the time, they are the most increadible peoples. The theme for this comeback, is Sexy style. Well,i'm not sure if i'm up for that, but i'll try. Starlings said i did well in the Mv.As i scroll through, i saw a post that made me stop in track. I clicked on it and resume walking.

'Ship of the century, Y/n and Jimin'

'I could stare at these two forever and i won't even complain'

'They are so cute together,Jimin look like a perfect boyfriend material'

Under all those taglines,i saw some pictures that fan had captured. There are, when we're at last year's MMA. Bangtan were sitting right in front of us. And there's also a picture when Jimin handed my mic that had rolled by accident to his feet. To be honest, our eyes didn't even met at that time, heck only now that i realise it was Jimin who handed it to me.


I stare down at my cloth. It had coffee stain on it, ruining my well ironed clothes.
"What the f..."

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