Our 27th Way

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"What's wrong?"
Nayeon's eyes searched through my face,and soon her hand grabbed mine that had been tugging her shirt.
"I don't...know"

"Are you okay? You've been acting like this since dinner last night."

I shake my head,feeling somewhat lost "I don't know"
She glanced back into the van that was almost packed with people in it. We're going to the shooting place,but my heart said don't go. There's a small part in it that said, something's wrong.

"Is it because he's there?"

I glanced upward and saw behind our seat,is that jerk,probably lost in music as he had stucked in earphone into his ears.
Is it? Because of Jimin? Am I acting like this because I was scared,probably? A part of me said yes,and another part declined.

"I don't know" I sigh and soon I feel Nayeon squeeze my hand lightly,smiling in response.

"It's gonna be okay, I'll stay with you. Come on or we're gonna make everyone be there late." she pulled me in and seat at the the only empty space in the van. Thanks to Nayeon,i managed to calm down a little. It's okay,nothing is gonna go wrong. The van then started to move when the door had been slided closed,but soon it came to a halt stop. Through the foggy window,i could see a figure running to us.

"Who's that? "

"I don't know"

" You said a lot of that today" Nayeon smirked and I nudged her lightly.

The door slided open and a figure I recognise enter and closed it back.
"Sorry,we didn't expect that the director wanted to come along too on first day of shooting.I gave up my seat for him and ran here. Sorry if I cause any inconvenience." Seowon bowed in his seat and the driver nodded.

"Huh,coincidence again meeting you" I smiled to him as I tried to brush off some snow on his jacket.

"I would call that fate"

I was surprised by his words that my mouth was parted away a little. He laugh shortly and pinched my nose lightly, "Cute"

I playfully swatted his hand away and turned around to look,luckily everyone is busy with their own stuff and didn't heard it.
"Don't said that! You're making me blush" I half whisper to him.

Since Nayeon was playing her phone,i was the only one who talked to him,but I don't mind that. We quietly laugh as he cracked another joke and I hit his arm.
"Stop that, we're gonna get ourselves scolded by others"  I pressed my palm against my mouth to stop any loud laugh coming out.

"I don't mind,plus maybe I get a chance to made you fall for me" he winked and I shake my head.

He once confessed that he like how I appear to be cool and confidence but also loud and immature at the same time. I thanked him that day but also expressed that I didn't plan on having any serious relationship while we're in school. He accepted that but now, now that school was so far away back, is this a good chance to open my heart?
Out of a sudden he leaned in and I swear my heart is thumping hard in me,and he whispered,
"Hey,the guy behind our seat,he had been staring at you this whole time. Is he bothering you?"

He pulled back and I leaned to his ears, "He is? I'm sorry,do you feel uncomfortable?"

He leaned in again,"Nope,as long as I'm with you"

I smacked his chest and lightly laugh covering my mouth so that no one can hear it.

"It's okay,just ignore him" ,I told Seowon,but I don't know if I can do the same.


My eyes roamed the view upon me, miles and miles of soft white snow. We had arrived here 15 minutes ago,and also ever since that, my heart can't stop beating in a hurry. There's something wrong, but I don't know what it is. Seriously it's bothering me so much.



Nayeon look at me with worried and hold my hand, "I've been calling you like six times,are you sure you're okay?"

"Nayeon...i don't know. I feel like something's wrong but I ,can't point it..."

"Maybe you should get some rest. How about some warm drinks to go?"

I shake my head,i gotta figure out what it is,before it really happen. What if,what if something really terrible happen,and I'm sure that I'll blame it on me for the rest of my life. No,i just can't risk everyone's safety,not when I know something's wrong.

"That's it!" Nayeon started to walk away.Seeing her raged up ,I started to follow close to her.

"What? What is it?"

"That damn Jimin just take my best friend's mood away,i can't let him get away with it"

"What? No,i don't think Jimin have anything to do with this."

"Yes he is and don't you even dare to protect him now. I swear I'll break that dancing bone off him and we'll see who's gonna be mo..."

A sudden wind blew through us. Finally,it hit me hard.It's not just normal wind, it's blowing at high speed,  snow wind which means that my worry all this time was finally answered.There's a storm coming and it's happening right now.

Idols Can Love {P.J.M}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora