Our 3rd Way

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I stare in disbelief. My cloth! 😤

"Pfft,where is your eyes,lost in space? You just wasted my coffee."

Oh no, speaking of the devils. I slowly look up and saw an annoyed looking boy.

"Park Jimin..."

"Aish, pay back for my coffee." he said coldly.

I stare at him,me? payback for his coffee? It's heck, to the no.

"Why should I?! In fact, I should be saying that. Look at my clothes!"

He look me from up to down, God, did he just scanned me?

"What do you mean 'so', I HAVE A COMEBACK AFTER THIS!"

"And how's that have any business with me?"

This jerk, i couldn't let him go just like that! So without thinking ahead, i grabbed the papers he had been holding and brought it upon his face,
Tearing it apart.

I saw his mouth dropped open and i toss the papers away, it flies through the air and swiftly fall onto the floor.

"Serves you right"
I turned around to go back to my preparation room, but my arm was jerked backward and i crash into his chest. His grips tightened and he stare into my eyes,cold and threatening.

"You...just messed up big time" he whisper,his voice showed that he's at his limit of patience and he could choke me right then and there.

His face came closer to mine,although i was shaking i stand up straight. I should not let this jerk win at any cost. I stared back, keeping the same gaze that Jimin gave. At this rate,our nose is gonna touch and his hot breath is already unavoidable on my face.

"I swear,i'm gonna..."

Jimin's word was cut off by loud mutters and inaudible chats. I saw behind him a group of people are walking toward us from the end of the hallway.

"Oh no...it's the paparazzies" I choked.

If they saw us this close,who knew how many pictures they could take,and how many rumors they could spread. I was about to turn back, but before i could do so, i was forced into a dark room. I struggled and trashing around but a firm voice stop me.

"If you wanna keep your so innocent and good image,stay still"
He whispered,there's sarcasm in his word, but for the sake of my group's image, i froze myself.

But the thing is, it was so dark in here, and his breathing on my neck make it worse! Not trying to make it seem bad but, he's back hugging me. Could you even imagine that?! His filthy hand is around my waist, someone please just save me 😭😭😭

I could hear the mutter of peoples getting louder and soon faded. I waited for a few more minutes, but being here with this jerk is a complete torture,my heart was screaming for fresh air.

"Did they pass alrea..."

My mouth was then covered by his hand,forcing it against my skin.

"Shut up! You want us to get caught?"
He half whisper half yell.

Does he want to shut me up or kill me?Because he could definitely do both now. I decided to stay there for a little more, hoping that it's gonna paid off eventually. Then suddenly, i feel weight on my left shoulder,i glance and i frown almost instantly. He had rested his chin on my shoulder and smirked.

"You know,we could stay like this a bit longer babe. I don't mind."

Reflectedly, i elbowed him in the stomach and kicked open the door, hearing him grunting from the outside. I turned to him,seeing that he had clutched onto his stomach, his face showed that he's in deep pain.

"You know,we could stay like this for a bit longer, you in pain and me outside. I don't mind"

With one last fake smile, i slammed the door upon his face and walked away.


I entered the room,painting for air. All eyes were on me, mouth hang open.

"Y/n,what happened to you?!" Mison came to me,eying me from head to toe.

"Not talking, now i want to change my clothes!"

"I'm afraid that's not possible, you only have 5 more minutes to get ready" the stylist unnie said,eying me with worried.

"But my clothes had coffee stained on it"

"It's okay,your cloth is mostly black, it's not that visible."

"But first,we need to fix you"

"What? I'm fi..."

I stand in horror,looking into my reflection in the mirror. My hair is in a mess, my clothes have coffee stained that if you look closely,you'll see it, the collar on my dress is crooked. In one short word, i look


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