Our 25th Way

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I sense that the person shifted closer,making my head locked in place. I wanted so badly to open my eyes,but this dream would be drifted away,and as much as i cringe at it, a small part of my heart wants it. I feel a light rub on my upper arm,grinding skin cells against my sleeve. Another touch this time on my forehead, by it gentle swipe, I assumed that the person tucked some stranded hair into the back of my ears.

Why is his touch is so gentle and soft,like he's refraining himself from touching parts of me more,like he didn't want to wake me up,like...like none of the touches I've ever received before. It feels like it'll become more and more complicated if I open my eyes.

"Excuse me,sir. We would be landing soon,can you wake her up?" a new voice said,maybe it's one of the stewardesses.

"Umm,can we let her sleep? She didn't feel well"

"Oh,if that's the case,please wear your seatbelt and her's now. You can hold her while we're landing."

I could feel him nodding and soon I heard the sound of metal clinking against each other,the sound of seatbelt being buckled.

"Y/n...can you errr,ah nevermind. I got this"
I could feel his fingers fumbled against my stomach although I was wearing a sweater,and soon there's sound of seatbelt clicked.

"There,huh...i can look after you myself afterall."

"Jimin" I heard a voice calling him,it's Nayeon.

"What's wrong with Y/n?" Aww,Nayeon is being such a good friend,asking about me.

"Ahh,just now,she said that she didn't feel well."
I wonder why Jimin lied,he said the same thing to the previous person too.

"Ah jjinja? Aishh, can you please put this on? It's her's anyway."

Soon I could feel Jimin put something warm on me,oh...my padded jacket. He gently take my left hand and slide through the jacket's sleeve,the other hand followed. Why is he being like this? He can just simply woke me up! What's happening Park Jimin,are you aware of it too?

A few minutes passes and I suddenly feel a light nudge. I pretended like I've just woken up and look around,rubbing my eyes and slowly stretching my crammed muscles.

"We're here. Come on,or the others will be wondering where we've been." he stand up and repositioned his own jacket.

We walked into the building,but the problem is my feet is actually half awake. I froze in track as I tried to shake some life into it. Jimin who soon realised I wasn't following, stopped in his track and slowly run to me.

"What's wrong?"

"My foot,i think I slept too long on the plane,they're still asleep"
I wonder how long that I had passes out on the plane,four...maybe five hours,or is it six?

"It's okay,i'll help" Jimin grabbed my hand and we walked away.

It was hard at first and Jimin had to slowed down  a few times,but by the time we're almost reached the formed group of people,my foot already awake. The first person that saw us is none other than Nayeon.

"Ah there you are,i thought you can't wake up"

"It's a long walk actually"

"I take these for you two" I saw my luggage and Jimin's infront of her and I couldn't thank her more. Seriously, she's so considerate.

"That's the last,i hope" the director said,earning some smirks.

"We are" Jimin reply,bowing a little as apologize and I follow.

"Okay then,there'll be a four vans for us outside. Girls can go first"

As we walked to the exit,Nayeon lean in to my ears,whispering,
"So do you have a great time?"

"Huh?" I whispered as well.

"Don't lie anymore,literally everyone saw you two are holding hands"

"No Yeonnie, he helped me. My feet are half awake once we stepped out from the plane."

"Helping? By holding hands?"

"That...is also a mystery to me. I'm sure it's nothing"

She rolled her eyes and linked our free arms together as we pulled the luggage along.
"Keep telling yourself that Choi
Y/n, but don't come running to me,saying you regretted everything"

"And why would I?"

She shrugged and smiled,
"That...is also a mystery to me"

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