Our 23rd Way

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I shake my head as I pushed the warm bowl away. As much as my stomach is growling for food and I didn't eat breakfast nor lunch,i can't seem to push the food down my throat. Keyword is I am hungry, but I don't have any appetite to eat. I could see the defeated frown upon Mison's face,hiding her guilt away. I stopped counting on how many times she had ask me to at least gulped down some soup after the fourth time. She was just being nice and caring,but I am just being selfless and grumpy,somehow.

I heard her sigh and look at me with such friendly gaze. She had been with me for only us know how long,and she had treated me like her own little sis,although she had five other little sister back at her home.
"How long are you planning to do this?"

"As long as I want to?" I shrugged.

Another sigh,sometimes I wish I can stop her from being sad,but right now, I am the reason of her being sad. At last,she patted my shoulder and mutter a quiet 'love you' before heading out bringing the porridge in her hand along.

I pull the blanket nearer until it reaches under my eyes. I glance over to my alarm clock and realise that Luna is probably in dance studio,polishing her already-perfect moves while Areum's probably in her studio, working. And I guess by now Mison is in the kitchen,washing the dishes. She always does that when we're somehow in a fight. Well,we aren't, it just felt like it. Honestly,its not their fault, if I'm in their place,knowing that one of them disappear while going out to buy some milk,and only returning back with crumpled clothes and messy hair,i would be nagging for hours,just like how they reacted. These past few months, I feel like I'm dragging them. It was because of me this whole mess started,and I can't seem to solved it no matter what.

I felt like my senses started to fade away. I can't believe that I was attacked by group of paparazzis,saved by that jerk,spent a night in his room,got back to be scolded,almost make my unnies and manager reported me missing to the police,got my first kiss taken by my worse enemy and in three days time,i have to leave to Greenland for my drama shooting. That only means two things, one is I have to leave my unnies and two,i have to face that jerk's face for another three days.How can this be any worse?

I sigh and shifted in my bed,laying on my right arm. I saw straight ahead,a navy black coat hanging lifelessly on the chair. I sigh and adverted my gaze elsewhere,grunting in frustration. Ahh,why didn't I realise I was wearing his coat all this time? It was on me without me knowing it. I sigh and glance at it again. I couldn't see any dark spots on the coat,meaning that he rarely wear it. But his scent is so strong on it,i had to slapped myself to stop sniffing it. I sigh and get off from bed. Only this time you jerk,as a thank you for what you did. I grabbed the coat and walked to the bathroom,taking along my usual detergent. Only this time Park Jimin.


I tap on my phone,checking the current time. Quietly,i calculated in my head,an hour left before the flight. Also as expected,that jerk still isn't here. I scanned through the familiar faces of actors and actresses in the departure room, but my eyes still didn't see him. Aish,is he really gonna miss his flight? I think the director made it clear in the email. I rewind my memory to the day I had dinner at a restaurant with my unnies,eating bulgogi. The vibration from my phone comes from the received email. It clearly stated that the next scene in the drama is in winter and considering that they want to make it more realistic ,they decided to go to Greenland for a few days. It also said in there that we need to be here before 9:30 a.m. How can he miss it?

"Who are you looking for?" Nayeon said,her voice is muffled as her mouth was covered with her neck scarf.


"Is it Jimin?"

"Pfft,i had better things to do rather than looking for him."
I said,well at least I'm being honest here.

"Well,just saying. You know that he's always late and all but also always made it in time"

Yeah,at first I thought Park Jimin have the ability to froze time because until now,im still wondering how he did that. To think that I have such thought almost make me gag,the only ability he have is being a jerk. A very talented good looking jerk.

"Omo,is that a smile on your face?"

"Nope,definietly not", but at this rate,my heart told me that I'm laying pretty badly.

"Well anyway,that son of Park better be here in less that 15 minutes before they closed the departure room." Nayeon said as she tucked in her earphone.

Don't worry,if that son of Park didn't make it in time, I'm gonna roast him for sure.

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