Our 17th Way

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I could see frown on her face, deep and concern. I'm sorry that i'm the reason for the frown to be on that face,the one i had grown used to for the rest of my eight years.I sigh,and pull the blanket to the tip of my nose.


I just keep my mouth shut,trying my best to hide away from her gaze,but that's impossible since she's standing right beside my bed.

"Areum,what took you so long? I thought....oh" Mison suddenly poked her head through the little gap between the door that Areum had left ajar.

"We're not ready to go?" Luna joined in,poking her head above Mison's.

"Is...is it really necessary to left baby behind? She's still...not well" Areum hated the word sick,she would avoid using it at all cost because she once said,it increases the risk of losing,when you get sick...

"I don't know..." Luna said and glance upward at Mison,who also glance down to her.

"It's okay,you guys should go..."

"But it's our first variety show since our comeback,it's a lost if you're not there."

"I know,but i'll be fine. It's just a short one, 30 minutes the most. It's okay,there's always other variety show we could go."

"Together,it's either we all go, or none at all." She hold out her hand to me,showing pinky finger.

I scoff and wrapped my pinky finger around hers, "Promise,when are we gonna be too old for that pinky promise anyway?"

"Never,take care okay?",Areum gave me a light nudge on the shoulder and smile along.

I waved my hand to them as they stepped out from my room,closing the door along. Soon after,i could hear our group's van drove away from the window of my room, it's gonna take a while for them to get used to be a group of three members instead of four for today. I lay down on my bed and take my phone along,scrolling through the twitter. The first thing i noticed is the company's statement about me;

'This is SkySC.Ent

We would like to inform to Starlings, that currently our Night Light member, Y/n would be refrained from doing other outside activities and joined this week comeback due to high fever. She is currently recovering and getting better, but we would like her to stay indoor and focus more on her health. She would be expected to joined the last comeback promotion,that is next week.We would make sure her health to be the main priority right now. Until then,future notice will be made straight away regarding her condition.

~History are carved together~'

I sigh as i read the short statement and proceed to check the trends, only to be surprised by what i saw.

Worldwide trends

1 #GetWellSoonHeartQueen

2 #RestALotAngelEyes

I feel like crying right now, my Starlings are currently making worldwide trends wishing me good health.Aww,they're too sweet. Heart Queen and Angel Eyes are nicknames they gave me, to think that they took time to make it trending, it's too much to thank them. It feels wrong not to say anything, but then i remembered that jerk owns my phone now...

Aish,he better not do anything to my Starlings,or i'll snapped that legs into pieces. I scrolled some more,


I was caught offguard this time. It was the drama poster...
This was posted last night,oh...so is this the surprise Jimin had promised to MY Starlings? I hope so, i can't handle that boy anymore if he started to act crazy again.

so is this the surprise Jimin had promised to MY Starlings? I hope so, i can't handle that boy anymore if he started to act crazy again

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It was bangtan's tweet. Hey,don't think that i followed that jerk's group twitter, why would i do that?! It appeared on my timeline because one of the cloth twitter that i followed retweet it. Geez,even clothes brand are ARMY nowadays...


I stare blankly at those two tweets

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I stare blankly at those two tweets. Made by the same person,but on two different account. One is his group page,while the other is the one he stole. I don't understand,he said that my act is bad,it's gonna flop as soon as i started it. But here he is,promoting the drama,hyping everyone. Even Starlings.
So i'm confused,what is his intention? Did he just want me to suffer in embarrassment?Giving fake hope to Starlings that i'm a great actress? Making me have to face paparazzis chasing me? Why,just why does he did that?

I sigh,Starlings are putting their trust on me,that i'll be good in acting...
Aishh,Y/n,pull yourself together. This is not you,weeping around in the room,acting as if the end of my career is tomorrow. No,stand up,fight that jerk back! Look like i need to work harder. Let me proove to you goody two shoes Mr Park, that this only daughther of Choi family,can be as great as she wants!

We'll see,Park Jimin

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