Our 1st Way

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I gasp loudly,painting hard on the floor. I could feel my own sweat rolling down my skin and soon absorbed by sweatpants. I refuse to stop anyway, so i keep on going, moving my body,following the rhythm, lost in my own world that i created.

Suddenly, the music stopped,making me came to a halt. Huh? The song wasn't supposed to end now, it was only the second chorus. I glance to the violet clock hanged on the wall, the colour had faded and no one want to change it because we somehow grew used to it's colour.

2:43 A.M

I didn't realise it was this late. And to think that the song suddenly stopped when there was still about 10 lines ahead, plus i was alone...
Nothing could've happened right?😅


"Don't you supposed to be asleep"

"Ahhh!" I let out my scream and get into stance mode, half pinning the person, when it spoke again.

"Okay!Okay!You refuse to sleep,i understand,now let me go!"

"Ahh, Areum unnie!"

I let her go at once and she stare at me irritated. I just laugh sheepishly and rub the back of my head in embarrassment.

"Geez, i knew you got black belt for karate, but stop attacking me. For the sake of the world,I won't kill you"

"It's your fault too!You shouldn't just said that out of nowhere!"
I tried to fight back.

She sigh and look at the music player at the far back of the practise room. She look at me,her eyes clearly said that she's desperate for her bed and she could sleep for good three centuries.

"Your dance are perfect,stop forcing yourself to stay up so late.I told you, you need rest"

"Huh,now look who's talking, the girl who just came from the dead" I said as i grabbed my water bottle along with a small towel,wiping away the sweats.

"Y/n... We have our comeback tomorrow,let's just sleep and save for tomorrow."

I glance at the mirror wall,then back to my unnie in front of me. She was really worried. At last, i sigh and nod, picking up my bag and put the things in my hand in it.


She smile and link an arm around my shoulder.
"Woah,since when you're this tall? You're as tall as me!"

"No, you're short. By the way,where did you came from? I was watching the door the whole time and not once did it open"

She huffed and point to the end of the room with her small nod.
Oh right... How can i forgot that? There was a door at the back of our dance practise that connects her personal work room to our dance practise. I awed and nod slowly. She ruffled my hair and repositioned her own bag on her shoulder.

"When can i enter Sapphire Hive?" I asked,referring to the name of her workplace. Mainly because the room is Sapphire blue,and it was a closure room, so she called it a...hive(?) Well,it's her room, but the name did sound cool,at first... Now it was all so extra for a room name,don't blame me, she said it herself.

"Anytime..?" she said,looking at me weirdly,unamused.

"Really? Cause it didn't seem so. I came this morning but you said, 'Maybe tomorrow,it's a mess right now. Go play elsewhere' " I said as i tried to mimick her voice,earning a slap on my shoulder.

" Because it is in a mess!And i never said the last part"

"Well,yeah. I made that up,but still..."
We arrived at our dorm and Areum unnie pushed the door open after entering the lock password.

"Someday,for sure baby. Gosh,make sure you take a bath before sleep,you smell worse than Luna's sock"

Both of us laugh quietly, a little afraid if that so 'abusive' girl hear us ,or we'll be dead meat for sure. I don't know if i can ever survive her hit anymore.

"Oh,and Y/n..."

I hum in response,taking a glance at her.
"Jimin'll be MC at M countdown tomorrow"

I scoff and push her away to her room, "Go to sleep unnie"

"Okay baby"
She wink before closing the door of her room.

It was a relief that all four of us got different personal room each. Or that girl won't let me breath for even a day! I enter my room and take a glance at her door. Does she joking, or she's telling the truth? He's gonna be there?
Brushing it off,i close my door slowly.

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