Our 24th Way

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"Attention passenger,this is your captain speaking. Smoking is highly prohibited from being done in the plane and the act doing so shall be fine under the government's law and words. We highly recommend to hand your lighter and tobacco on you to our stewards and stewardess,it will be return once the plane landed safely to our destination. Have a nice flight."

"Just making sure ,you don't smoke right?"

I glance to him,giving a 'are you serious?' kind of face. What kind of question is that in the first place? He shrugged and buckled his seatbelt.

"I dont know,just curious. But my jagi shouldn't be smoking,it's a big no no" he made an 'X'sign with both of his arms.

I shake my head and sigh, low key cringe at his word. Really? Of all other actors and actresses,why am I being seated here,being plane seat partner with this boy? I saw him quietly eying everyone,  waving to some of the actors.

The stewardess started to give a short speech on the plane safety. I've been on plane countless of time,that I could practically remember every word that comes out from them.

"-if any Hazard is reported by the captain, don't panic and simply stay seated. Follow all the instructions given, we'll try our best to help each and every one of you"

I repeated along the stewardess, lucky me she didn't heard it, but Jimin on the other hand, look at me with his mouth wide open.

"Woah,i want too,i want too.Copy me" he started to make weird gesture with his arms.

I look at him blankly putting my hand on my lap,without moving it. Jimin pouted and crossed his arms, "You're meanie"

"And you're unbelievable" I pouted in return and I could see the suprised expression on his face.

Take that Park Jimin, I smirked.
"We are going to take off now,everyone please be seated"

"You know,if you're scared you can always hold my hand"

I decided to give him my best smile and play along, "Really? Thanks Jimin-ah ,but I'm a strong girl"

I didn't heard him reply so I glance to him,seeing that he keep gazing at me,his orbs move slowly in his eyes. I'm sure he's looking at my face,so I just decided to ignore it.

As the plane started to ascend into the sky,i look out my small window,seeing my group's van is still there. I subtly smile,thinking that they came to said goodbye,it warms my heart,but the thought of leaving them,even for a while breaks my heart,creating a sad line on my lips.

"You're okay baby?"

I looked infront of me,to where the voice came from. I saw a head popped from the top of the seat,an  older sunbaenim.

"Ermm, I'm fine"

"Really? Cause you don't look like it,baby"

"I'm fine and stop calling me baby"

"Aww you're scared baby?"

"Hyung,you heard her,leave her alone" Jimin suddenly spoke.

I glanced to him,feeling kind of shocked. He never said in that cold tone,never that I've heard of. Somehow,his voice and face shows that,don't mess with him.

"Tssk, you're no fun"

Although the person infront of my seat was lost from sight, Jimin still keep his cold gaze. I lay my palm on top of his hand,earning his full attention.


"It's okay,but you gotta be careful. It's not uncommon for older sunbaenims to flirt with pretty girls."

I was about to nod,but stopped myself. Am I hearing myself right? Did...did he just call me pretty? I keep staring at Jimin,but he soon shake his head,sighing along.

"Just forget about it"

I lean into my seat, but my mind still lingers around his words just now. I can't seem to focus elsewhere no matter how hard I try,it always came back to the thought of Jimin calling me pretty. Not directly,but I'm sure he's talking to me. Park Jimin,why are you making things complicated?


I feel like I'm slowly sliding down,but a strong grip on my waist refrained me. It was warm,a familiar warmness,and also this scent...

The same scent from the coat...

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