PERCABETH~After the Battle

Start from the beginning

"Ahh I love young love!" Aphrodite sighed.

"Of corse 'ya do your the stinken God of love!" Ares snorted

"Okay Annabeth and I decided to come up to Olympus 1 to inform you about our marriage and also for a couple of favors we could use from some of you..."I turned to Annabeth

"We wanted to ask you Apollo if you can please be a priest at the wedding,and I was wondering if Lady Aphrodite would be so kind and bless our marriage."

"Okay! I mean who wouldn't want a hot god like me to be in their wedding?" Apollo replied. Annabeth rolled her eyes.

" Oh, of course! Why wouldn't I want to bless my two favorite lovebirds?" Aphrodite said smiling.

"Alright then um... you'd be okay with coming Dad right?" I asked Poseidon

"Sure kid,why wouldn't I?" He chuckled

"Oh yes mother can you come as well?"

"Yes Anna-" Athena started

"Matter of fact why don't all of us come to the ceremony?" Zeus interrupted "I believe they deserve it."

"That-that would be quite nice." I said. Woah all the Olympian gods coming to our wedding? This is amazing!

"Okay I guess we'll be on our way! Thank you. We are honored." Annabeth said and we bowed.

"Farewell children. All of us will pop in and out to help prepare your wedding every now and then." Zeus boomed and we walked out the throne room.

Chapter 5

-Leo's POV-

Aphrodite's Message

It's been 2 days. 2 days I've been searching.2 days I've been searching without rest. And I haven't found a clue where Calypso could be. Even though. I found out where she might be, I still feel like I keep circling around in the same spot. I've flown around Croatia multiple times and haven't found a single ripple in the ocean. Until something unusual happened.

It was just another sleepless night when I fell asleep with a pencil closed in my hand drooling over my notes. When I had a odd dream.

I opened my eyes but I wasn't on the Argo II. I was sitting criss-crossed- apple-sauced with my head looking down into my lap. I sat up to see a lady-not just any lady-she looked like a super model/pop-star/movie-star/make-up artist thing who...seemed

to be changing like every mili-second getting prettier and prettier. She was so grandly beautiful-I had to squint. She literally glowed.

"Hello sweetheart." she said "About time you woke up!"

"And you are..." I asked groggily standing up.

"Aphrodite! Goddess of Love..." She said love in a sort of groovy way that made me want to just plop down and sleep-but I focused on her.

"Alright then!So I guess you have some super urgent job I need to do to make my crazy Demi-god life harder,correct?" I said to her.

"Actually hun, I've come to make your life easier. When you awaken you will find yourself on the island Oygiga." she said it like it was nothing.

I couldn't believe my ears. What did she even mean?

"Wha-Why are you doing this for me?" I stuttered.

"Look at what you've been through! I think you deserved a little something from your Aunty Aphrodite"

"Woah" I thought to myself this was freaking awesome. So I literally just stood there my eyes wide mouth open just standing.

PERCABETH~After the WarsWhere stories live. Discover now