I immediately opened the door without an answer, this was my mom and dad's house. They wouldn't mind.

I walked right in and called, "Anyone home?"

There wasn't even a pause before I heard Lucas yelling various things and someone, I'm guessing my mom, following him down the stairs.

Lucas immediately rushed to us and hugged me, before hugging Bobby and asking to be picked up. Bobby obliged and I hugged my mom as she came closer to me, Ness in her arms.

"How were they?" I asked quietly.

She gave me a quick generalization of what happened, Bobby listening as Lucas told him all about his night.

I asked about going out tomorrow and she said she was free. We quickly wrapped up and I took the sleeping Ness back into the car with Bobby and Lucas following shortly behind.

It took a while to get home because traffic was pretty bad, but we made it home and Lucas was still awake, which was a good thing. We made it into the house and you could tell that Lucas was exhausted.

I laid Ness down, only waking him up to change his diaper. I gave him a half of a bottle of milk and he quickly drifted back off to sleep. I laid him down and covered him with a blanket. I kissed the top of his head and went into Lucas's room to help Bobby get him to bed.

He was already in his pajamas and I went to get his green blanket, which he rarely sleeps without. I came back and he was already lying in his bed, begging Bobby to let him stay up.

Bobby was saying the regular response, that we had church tomorrow and he had to get up earlier than usual. Lucas continued to beg and I knew it'd be a long night filled with crying and him getting up constantly.

I gave him his blanket and silently tucked him under two blankets while Bobby continued telling him he had to go to bed. I kissed the top of his head.

"Lucas, Mommy and Daddy are going to bed now, too. And Ness is already sleeping. We all have to get up earlier tomorrow. Let's all go to sleep, okay?" I said.

He continued whining, and I knew the tears were coming soon. Bobby leaned down and kissed the top of his head, too. "Goodnight kiddo," Bobby said.

I got up and Bobby followed. I shut off the light as Lucas started crying and Bobby shut the door behind me.

"Great," I whispered sarcastically as we walked downstairs. "the wailing will happen soon."

"He's had a full day. I can't blame him." Bobby replied.

I sighed and sat down next to him on the couch, snuggling up close to him.

"You know..." I started as he intertwined our fingers.

"Yes?" he urged me to continue.

"I've kind of warmed up to the idea of a new baby again. I just think with Ness and Lucas it'll be hard to have another baby. Especially now, with Ness being so little still and Lucas'll be starting school and I don't know -"

"Shhh..." he said quietly. "Calm down. You aren't even pregnant." he said and paused. "Wait, are you pregnant?" he asked quickly.

The crying in the background was starting to die down, Lucas must've been starting to drift off.

"No. Not as far as I know, at least. But I haven't had any signs." I answered him.

He sighed. "Then you don't have to worry about anything, right?" he asked.

"I guess not. I just don't know how I feel about a new baby. I want one, but I don't want it now. But I also don't want it later when Lucas is seven and Ness is six, you know?"

"I see where you're coming from, so how about we just calm down about it? We can start trying in a few months and it'll just happen when it happens, K? Just calm down and forget about it for a while." he answered.

"Okay," I said softly, "thank you."

"I always know best, don't I?" he asked, always trying to get me to say it.

"I don't know if I'd say always." I answered.

"I love you, you know." Bobby said.

"I've heard that. I love you too, you know." I answered.

"I've heard that too." he said and I looked up at him.

He leaned down and gave me a kiss, and I didn't even mind it was upside down for once.


Author's Note:
Hello my lovelies! Now you aren't stuck at a cliffhanger anymore! You know what she's been thinking!

I feel like this chapter is kinda short, if it is I'm sorry for that.

But anyways... I'm meeting Christina TOMORROW! I CANNOT WAIT. So I hope you guys are enjoying this, I may update on Friday or Saturday too.

Votes & Comments are greatly appreciated as always :) I love you guys so much.

- thatsmyswift xx

Happily Ever After: A Christina Grimmie & Bobby Plizak Fanfic (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now