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My mother was waiting for us back at the apartment and was shocked when it was just be who returned. I just sat on the couch and started crying. She was worried and rushed towards me to see what was wrong. 

"What if I didn't make the right decision? Was I just too scared? Mum, what if I messed up? Oh God, I messed up." I felt terrible and I felt like I had an panic attack coming. I buried my face in my hand and let the tears flow freely. I couldn't believe everything that had happened, it just felt like a dream. 

"Oh Zoe," my mum said in a supportive way. She ran her hand through my hair over and over again and just tried to comfort me. I wanted to try and stop crying, to show her that she was helping me, but I couldn't. 

After a while she stood up and made me a cup of tea. "Here, darling," she said setting the tea on the table. I didn't drink it, and I knew it would just grow cold. I didn't feel like drinking anything, or doing anything. I was in the deepest of deepest holes. 

"Let me tell you a story," my mum said. I tried to hold in a groan, but I knew she would probably say something wise and everything, but I wasn't really in the mood for a long wise story at the moment. A slight groan came out anyway. "Oh Zo, just listen okay?" 

"Fine," I said with a pout and a small nod. 

"Right after I left secondary school I met this boy and we fell in love and it was so beautiful." I groaned, a mother love story, how exciting. "Zoe, this is important. He loved me and everything seemed so perfect. Everything was finally right. We had been dating for eight months before he asked me to marry him. I said yes."

"Dad?" I asked confused, I'd never heard this story and was suddenly intrigued. 

"Yes, your father. I got pregnant, had two children and then we got divorced and I can't believe I ever married him." 

"What's the point of that story?" I asked looking at her. It just sounded like she was trying to depress me. 

"We moved things too quickly, sometimes a persons' passion can overtake them. I think it was good that you went with your gut and didn't say yes to Alfie, yet. Maybe you guys just take things more slowly?" she said softly running her hands through my hair again. 

"Okay," I said quietly as I closed my eyes and let her comfort me. She wiped away a few of my tears just as I fell asleep in her arms. 


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