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"Mum!" I saw my mother through the crowd waiting for me and Alfie by the window and fountain that Alfie was usually waiting for me at when I came home from Los Angeles every week. 

She looked gorgeous; my mother was beautiful. I hadn't seen her in about two years and I had hardly talked to her those years we hadn't seen each other. I missed her. Once we were close enough, I ran up and hugged her tightly. 

"I missed you," I whsipered into her ear. 

"I missed you too Zo," she said softly as she pulled me closer. There was nother better than a hug from your mother were you could just forget all the bad things in your life for a few seconds or so. We eventually pulled away and I instantly came back to real life. 

"Mum, this is Alfie, my boyfriend," I gestured towards Alfie who was hanging behind us a bit. When I said his name he stepped forward and shook my mother's hand. He looked uncomfrotable so I rested my hand on his back at an atempt to make him feel more normal. 

"Alfie, so you're the person I've heard all these great things about," she said with a smile. That almost made me flinch, because she was lying. I hadn't talked to her in ages, so she didn't know any great things about Alfie. I knew she was just trying to be nice, but I wished she hadn't lied to him. 

Soon enough we had all her luggage in the cab and were headed to the apartment. I had thought that the drive there would be a good bonding time for us to talk and catch up, but it turned out to be something completely different. 

Alfie and my mother immediately connected and started to talk about all sorts of things. Things I didn't have any idea of and didn't understand. It was weird, I thought my mother would hate Alfie and be wary of him, and I think he thought the same, but it turned out to me the opposite. She loved him. 

I was happy of course, but I wanted attention from my mother who I hadn't seen in ages. I wanted her to talk to me and for us to be in a conversation together. I guess we had plenty of time for that later though. 

So instead of talking to my mum on the drive home, I spent it looked out the window and listening to their conversation that meant nothing to me. I tried to just ignore this though and remember that the rest of the week would go better. Much better. 

I should be happy, my mother and my boyfriend were great friends. My wish had come true, I just had to decide if it was what I had actually wanted. 


Finally Right { A Zalfie Fanfic }Where stories live. Discover now