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I woke up the next morning and smiled when I saw Alfie's back. I still wasn't toally used to sleeping in a bed with someone else, but I loved it so much. There was nothing better than falling asleep listening to the breathing of someone you loved. That sounds kind of creepy, but it's nice. 

When I woke up Alfie was still asleep and I knew he would be asleep for a long time. He always stayed in bed for so long, I was always the first one up. I yawned and stretched out before getting up and getting dressed. 

After I was dressed, I walked into the kitchen to try and find at least something I could eat. I would have to go to the store today and buy more food for us. We couldn't eat out all the time. I looked through loads of cupboards before I finally found some old granola. 

There was a yoghurt in the fridge and I mixed them together in a bowl and sliced up the three strawberries that were in the fridge as well to make myself a nice parfait. I was surprised that Alfie had enough food for me to actually make a meal, I was happy too though. 

I moved over to the couch and sat down as I ate my breakfast. I pulled my phone out and I saw I had a few messages from Louise. I read them briefly. They were just telling me that she missed me and wanted to make sure that I had gotten to America safely. 

I responded that everything had gone as planned and that I missed her as well. I couldn't wait for when Louise and her family came to America for holiday and came to visit me and Alfie. I had never met Louise's daughter Darcy, but I had seen her on skype a few times and she was just the most adorable thing ever. 

After I finished my breakfast I decided to pick a book of Alfie's bookshelf and read a few chapters of it before actually becoming productive and making a grocery list. As much as I loved my computer, I also loved reading. It gave me such a joy. 

I walked over to Alfie's small black bookcase that had only about a dozen well known titles on it like Harry Potter and the such. I had read most of them, but towards the end of the bookcase I found a photo album. I smiled and pulled it of: swiping my hand over the cover to dust it off. 

I carried it to the couch and opened it, smiling. It was filled with pictures of Alfie and his family all the way from when Alfie was born to when he went to college. There weren't a lot of pictures, but one for every birthday and most of the major holidays. 

It was weird looking at Alfie when he was little, he looked so different to me. I thought he was still adorable though. I laughed when I got to a picture of a young Alfie in a tiger suit. He was such a cutie. 

As I laughed I heard Alfie's voice, "What are you laughing at?" he walked over to me and just joined into my laughing when he saw the picture. It was quite funny. 


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