Relatively Dependent - Part Thirteen - EXPLICIT CONTENT WARNING

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WARNING: The following chapter contains explicit content that is graphic and disturbing in nature. It depicts a scene of sexual assault and may be distressing for some readers. Reader discretion is advised and recommended for mature audiences only.

One second, I was there, I was in that room with Candace and enjoying the shit out of life. A minute later, I was scooped up into this memory, this nightmare. It's like I wasn't even in the room with Candace anymore, I was back home, back at Mum's. This memory came screaming back and I knew I didn't want to remember but I couldn't stop it from playing. It was like I was there again, reliving it and helpless to do anything about it.

I was on my knees on the floor of the bathroom, shaking, terrified. My scalp prickled as he tugged on my hair and pulled my head back. I shut my eyes tight as the tears and snot streamed down my face. I could smell the nicotine on his fingers before he even touched my lips. He forced my jaw to pop open and I tasted the salty sweat and dirt on his fingers as they went into my mouth. I wanted to gag from the taste but then a smack across the side of my head told me to hold it in. I sputtered as I choked on a cough, but he stuck his fingers back in my mouth and gripped my jaw hard as he told me to be quiet.

He jolted my head back, angling it down, I panicked and just for a second opened my eyes. I saw his dick just an inch from my face, my heart stopped beating and my stomach twisted into knots. I went to vomit again but he belted me across the cheek and told me to keep my mouth where it was. He stuffed his dick into my mouth and I gagged but he didn't step back, he kept my hair scrunched in his fist and I couldn't move. The taste was as bad as the smell, like he hadn't showered in years, like his dick had just come out of another man's asshole. He grasped my head in his hands and started moving in and out of my mouth. I kept gagging, I kept wanting to vomit but he wouldn't let go of me, every time I squirmed he dug his fingers harder into the side of my head.

I was coughing and choking on the vomit that I couldn't let out. My nose was blocked from all the snot, I couldn't breathe but he wasn't going to stop for anything. The vomit kept coming, I couldn't hold it in no matter how many times he hit me and told me to keep it in. It started seeping out the corners of my mouth and running down my chin, I shut my eyes so tight that it hurt and I prayed the sight of my vomit would make him stop but it didn't.

He pulled my head toward him and I felt his dick at the back of my throat. I was vomiting, coughing, trying to pull his hands off my head and trying to back away from him. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't get any air in through my snotty nose. I thought I was going to die, that I'd die with a dick down my throat. My head started to feel fuzzy, I was fading quickly and at that point I welcomed it. If death meant I'd be free from that moment, I was okay with that. Then, like the guardian angel he always was, Blake came storming into the bathroom and leapt at the asshole standing over me.

I wanted to gasp for air the second I was free but all I could do was vomit. It came barrelling out and splashed all over me and the bathroom floor. Every part of my body trembled as I crawled towards the door in a desperate attempt to get away from that monster. I kept coughing out chunks of vomit as I panted for air and slowly the fog began to lift from my vision.

I made it out of the bathroom and tried to get on my feet but my legs were shaking and I felt so weak I just couldn't stand. I scurried along the floor and made for our bedroom as fast as I could, but before I reached our room someone scooped me up from the floor. In that second when someone grabbed me, my heart held its beat, I lost my breath and I froze like a deer under car headlights. I thought it was over, that guy had knocked Blake out and was about to give me the same treatment—or worse. But it wasn't that asshole back for more, it was Blake, he'd picked me up from the floor and dragged me the rest of the way to our room.

Blake more or less tossed me to the floor before he spun around and slammed shut the door. In a crazed fit he began piling all the furniture in our room against the door. He dragged his bed over, the desk, all our books and when he'd finished barricading us in he turned back to me. Dropping to his knees, he sat by my side and looked me over as his mouth flapped open and closed. He cupped his hands together over his mouth, his cheeks started to burn and his knuckles turned white. Drawing in a sputtered breath, he sniffed hard as he leaned into me and engulfed me within a huge hug. He held me tight and through a raspy voice said, "That's enough, enough of this. We need to get out of here, I'm gunna' get you out of here, okay? I promise."

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