Relatively Dependent - Part Twelve

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It was still early when we got to Fred's and there were only a few of Jamie's mates around so we started up a drinking game to kick off the night. I dunno' how long we got stuck playing that game but when we sat down at the table it was still light out and there was maybe ten of us there, by the time we packed up it was pitch black outside and there was about fifty people at the party. I guess we were playing it for a few hours. When I finally got up from my chair the alcohol kinda' hit me and my head started spinning. I couldn't have been wasted though 'cause a lot of the time when I'd play King Pin I'd just pretend to drink, you get wasted too quickly otherwise.

After the game one of Jamie's mate's, Will, come up to me with his smokes and gestured for me to follow him outside. Somehow I'd become his smoking buddy at parties, I don't know how it happened, was probably wasted when it started but it became our thing. I never got right into smoking, it was just a thing I did at parties or sometimes at home I'd swipe some of Blake's if I was bored but it's never been an addiction for me, just fun. I went outside with Will and the dose of cool night air helped to clear my head. It'd been a few weeks since I'd seen Will around so we shared a smoke while we caught up on everything. 

Will is one of Jamie's mates that I'd actually prefer to hang out with 'cause he's kinda' fucked up like me. He's told me about his Dad and how bad things are between them, how his Dad used to rough him up a lot and it got so bad that Will left home when he turned fifteen. As drunk as I was when Will was telling me I won't ever forget that conversation. It's terrible, what he's been through is terrible but a part of me just cried out with relief when he said it all. It wasn't just me, it isn't just my family that's fucked up. I was so happy to hear someone else out there was as miserable as I was that things started pouring out of me. I told Will how Blake and I ran away from home when we were kids, that our Mum was a junkie, I told him all that and I'd never told Jamie any of it, ever. It felt so good to talk to someone about what my life had been like and to not feel like some weird kid that no one could relate to. Will gets it, he gets me and what I've been through. Jamie's always been my best friend and I always will think of him that way, but there's always been this barrier between us 'cause I could only let him in so far. I don't have that problem with Will.

While I was outside with Will talking to him about School and what he'd been up to these girls come up to us wanting a smoke. I remember seeing them at Fred's the last time but they weren't friends of Jamie's so I didn't talk to them. They come up and started talking to us and it was clear they were pretty drunk. I mean it was obvious as Hell when one of the girls said she'd give Will a kiss if he gave her a cigarette. He of course found that to be a fair deal.

I talked to this girl for ages, Candace I think her name was. She was smoking hot, had all these tattoos down her arm and leg and God knows where else. She was kind of stuck talking to me when Will and her friend started making out right there next to us. We took off a bit, away from the inevitable dry humping that was about to start. We sat down near the bonfire Fred had set up and I was drunk enough that I felt comfortable talking to Candace on my own. I'm fucking useless when I'm around people I don't know, I tend to need Jamie at my side to be able to talk to anyone at a party. Thankfully, I'd had enough to drink that I could sit there with this sexy as Hell girl and talk to her without sounding like an anxious moron. I couldn't tell you what we talked about, just shit really. We sat there sharing a smoke and a drink and just talked shit for a while. As the night went on I felt more and more confident with myself and I started putting the moves on her. Just bein' real sly, talking to her about her tattoos and running my hand over them as we talked about them. She started returning the gesture, running her hand across my chest and said how good a tattoo would look there. Then she found the scar along my jaw and ran her fingers over that while I told her how I got it. The real story is that I fell down the stairs outside the pub and cracked my jaw open, I wasn't even drunk. The story I told her was that I was at the skate park when some asshole on his BMX clipped me and knocked me off my board – I don't even skate. Next thing I know she's sitting on my lap and feeding me sips of her drink. I have no idea what was in it, she'd added something to a big bottle of Coke and that was all I knew, but hey, free drink.

After a while we ended up in a spare bedroom together and things started getting carnal. That girl knew what she wanted and she wasn't afraid to go for it. She shoved me into the bed and started kissing and biting my neck while she worked her way out of her clothes. I remember thinking she must've drawn blood 'cause she was sucking on my neck that damn hard but I wasn't about to tell her to stop, no way. Then she started moving down the bed, down my chest and to my waist. She whipped off my belt, yanked my jeans down and started playing with me. She did all the right things, made all the right moves and I watched her, happy as I could fucking possibly be. When she glanced up at me I tried to hide the stupid grin on my face but there was no hiding it from her. She breathed out this little laugh as she bowed her head and when I felt her lips on me that's when things took a turn.

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