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Luke smirks as he walks past me to go take his seat, as he walks past he puts a note on my desk, I growl at it but open it anyway. It read: Good to see you again Jungkook, in English. I scrunch it up, "what did it say?" Jimin asks, curious. I had the now scrunched up ball of paper to Jimin, "what does it say?" Jimin asks, unable to read English. I ignore him and take the notes.

The bell goes, and everyone starts to pack their things. I get up to leave but Luke stops me, "I saw on the news a certain bunny had a failed suicide attempt," Luke snickered. Just great, I seriously hated the news right now. I death stare him, Jimin stands beside me and smile brightly at him, "hi I'm Jimin," Jimin introduces. I keep death staring Luke, and then just walk away, there was no way I would be able to stand there much longer.

I walk to my locker, leaving Taehyung and Jimin in the classroom. I shove everything in my locker and slam it shut, I was so angry and scared. Melanie walks over and leans on the locker next to mine, "someone's mad," Melanie sighs. "My old bully just transferred here!" I growl, Melanie looks at me, I could tell she could see the fear in my eyes. "Come on, let's go to the roof," she sighs, pulling me along.

We sit, dangling out legs over as usual. "What has this bully done to you in the past?" Melanie asks, "well, he was the one who made me stop eating first of all, he has verbally bullied me and sometimes physically," I sigh. Melanie hums, "don't forget that when that happened it was in the past, when he ran the school, now your on top of the food chain, don't let him push around anymore." I nod and look out, "and if he tries anything, bring him down," Melanie says, looking at me seriously, "I... could never-," Melanie cuts me off.

"I know you don't want to but what's more important? His social status or your endless suffering?" Melanie asks. "No... I'm not like him, I will not sink down to his level," Melanie smiles, "just checking," she giggles. I giggle with her, the roof door opens and I turn around, my other friends walk out. "Kook, we've been looking for you!" Seokjin says, I roll my eyes, "sorry Eomma," I giggle evilly. But it all stops as soon as Luke steps into view. "Oh... oh this is a very different story now," Melanie whispers to me.

"Yeah, I noticed," I whisper back, they walk toward us, but I death stare Luke, and then turn around, looking out. "Please have lunch with us, it's been so long," Namjoon begs, "no." I let the words slice the air. "Hey Kook, come on," Taehyung says, he sits next to me and tries to kiss me but I move away. "What's wrong?" Taehyung asks, "fuck off," I growl. I was so angry at them for letting the devil join their group. "Hey, Kook come on, Melanie can join us too, we just want us all to get to know Luke, this guy has some crazy stories."

I turn to Seokjin, "in case you didn't hear me," I start, saying it in a sweet voice, "fuck off." I change my tone back to the harsh one. I look at Luke dead in the eye, "especially you," I growl in English. "I'm honoured you still hate me," Luke says back in English. "Your a fucking monster," I growl, still in English. "And your still a fat pig," Luke insults. I get up and look him dead in the eye, Melanie taps my leg. "Still so worthless, fat, ugly and piggy," Luke continues. 

I hear Melanie start to have enough of it, she gets up and pushes Luke away from me. "OKAY CALM IT!" She screams in English. "LUKE, IF YOUR GOING TO BRING BACK THE PAST THEN DO IT SOMEWHERE WHERE SOMEONE CARES!" Melanie yells at him. She turns to the rest of my friends, just watching this go down, completely clueless to what we we're saying. "And you guys should be better friends and fuck off, when Jungkook says fuck off. If he wanted to fucking talk about it now, he would, he doesn't need to be fucking pressured into having fucking lunch with you bitches. Is it really that hard to see when someone doesn't want to have fucking lunch with you? Get your heads out of your asses and see that not everyone praises you like fucking gods, and that not everyone wants to have lunch with you. INCLUDING your friends!"

They all just nod and walk away, Taehyung gives me a worried look, "I'll come over to your house this afternoon, okay Babe?" Taehyung checks. I nod. Melanie and I sit back down, "he's a professional asshole," Melanie sighs. "Tell me about it," I agree, "did he go to a school to learn that or is he just naturally that much of an asshole?" Melanie asks. I giggle, "you know you didn't have to show down my friends like that," I sigh, "your right, I don't have to do anything, but I did cause they weren't getting the hint," Melanie sighs.  

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