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"Jungkook are you okay?"

I open my eyes, I was laying in a bed in a pitch black room but, it wasn't dark, I could clearly see my hospital like bed and my body.


I look the other way, there was a pretty girl, she was really thin with long blonde hair and blue eyes. "Oh Jungkook, I thought I'd lost you," she hugs me. She sounded really familiar but she didn't look familiar. I give her a weird look, trying to figure out who she was. "Don't you remember me?" She asks. I shake my head. "I'm Ana," she introduces. "What's your full name?" I ask without thinking.

"Anorexia Nervosa."

I remember her and smile, "you remember me now?" She asks. I nod and stretch my arms out, asking for a hug. She doesn't hug me, instead she grabs my hand and squeezes my hand. "Jungkook, I want you to wrap your fingers around the top of your arm," Ana instructs. I nod and wrap my fingers around the top, my index and middle finger touching with some room between my fingers and arm. Ana smiles and squeals, clapping her hands. "Okay, now try and wrap your hands around your thigh," she instructs. I nod and yet again, my hands touched on either side, room between my thigh and fingers.

Ana squealed with delight and hugged me, "your doing so well Kookie!" Ana praises, I smile and hug her back. "You know what? As a treat you can have a full apple," she says, pulling a red juicy apple from behind her back. I looked at it, then back at her. "Skinny people don't eat," I whisper, Ana smiles at me with her perfect smile. "Oh Jungkook, it's been ages since we've spoken, I thought'd you'd forgotten all my teachings," Ana says. I shake my head, "why'd you block me out?" Ana suddenly asks. I open my mouth to speak but close it once I see someone walking toward me.

This man was tall, he wore all black and had black hair as well. "He was making room for me," he said in a deep voice. Ana turned around, her blonde hair flicking around. "Depression!" She smiles, Depression comes and stands next to my bed. "How you doing kid?" Depression asks, "fine," I say. Depression smirks, "such a generic response, love it," he says to me. "My cousins are gonna be coming to meet you again soon," Depression informs. Ana look at my and kneels so she was at my height. "Oh Kookie, how much we've missed you," Ana says in a soothing voice.

"I know Depression and his family over there are pretty great but I don't appreciate you blocking me out," Ana whispers into my ear. "Just because you can't hear me doesn't mean I don't know what you've done," Ana gets up from the floor and looks over. "Oh look here comes my cousins," Depression says. Twins walk over, a boy and girl, the boy comes up to me, "Depression's cousin, Self Hate," he introduces. "I'm Self Hate's sister, Self Harm," she introduces, she was covered in scratches, as she touches my hand scratches appear and then slowly fade away.

"When's the other guy coming?" Self Harm asked, "he should be here soon," Depression says, looking out. "W-why are you guys here?" I finally ask, Self Hate smiles at me, "it's been ages we've talked to you, properly, so while we could we thought 'what the hell? Let's do it'," I nod and look out. Another man comes up, "hello Jungkook," he says, "we haven't really met yet but I'm Anxiety, you've met my sister, Social Anxiety before though," he introduces. "Don't worry, she's just running a bit late. Ana rolls her eyes.

She turns to everyone, "hey guys can you leave some room for me here?" Ana asks, getting pissed. Everyone turns to Ana, "look Ana, we aren't trying to block you out but, your terms don't change us much as ours do, Jungkook got to the point you liked at and it's stayed that way. You were just starting to take up space with your voice," Depression says. "Yeah, I have to take Depression's side with this one," Anxiety adds. "Oh fuck you two special snow flakes, needing a medical diagnoses! Just because I'm self diagnosed you think your better!"

The tension in the air rises, "Ana, your not worse than us in any way it's just-," Depression starts before Ana crosses her arms and gives them a 'bitch-don't-you-test-me-look' "it's just what?" She spits. "It's just that with me you not only have me but my cousins Self Hate and Self Harm, and with Anxiety you also have Social Anxiety. We just have way more baggage," Depression explains. I see Ana start to tense, "oh, so because I'm an independent woman I'm seen as less?" Ana asks. "No, that's not what we mean," Anxiety sighs.

"I can rain havoc on someone's life too, just watch me, bitch, I don't need help when I destroy lives," Ana says, smirking. Social Anxiety walks up and stands on the other side of my bed, "hey guys, is this a bad time?" She asks. "No," Ana says, looking over at her and giving her a perfect smile. I looked at her as she turned to the side, she had a flat stomach and a thigh gap, she was perfect. Depression sighs, "okay Jungkook, we just wanted to say a hello, see how your going, but we'll take off now," Depression says.

I wave as Depression leaves; the twins walk up to me, "we'll be going too, try to have a good life," Self Hate says. Self Harm touches my arm, cuts appear and fade away once again. Anxiety waves off without saying anything. Social Anxiety stays with Ana, "hello Jungkook, I guess I was a little later than I thought," she giggles. I giggle along with her, "remember to never speak around new people, and go to any length to avoid being judged," she says. I nod and she walks off.

Ana kneels down again, she holds my cheek, "don't block me out again, okay Jungkook, I know you've had an ice cream, and you didn't throw up soon enough," Ana whispers before leaving my side too. 

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