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Right now my mother had to go to an important work gathering, and chose to take me with her, as much as I didn't want to I knew my mother didn't have anyone to go with anyone anymore. I sigh, sitting in the suit my mother just bought me. "Hey Jungkook, how do I look?" Mum asks, walking down the stairs, she was wearing a floor length black dress with a slit for her leg. Her hair was out and make-up done, it made me smile, seeing how good she looked after leaving Dad.

"You look beautiful Mum," I complement. "Thank you sweetie," Mum says, "oh, Jisoo will be joining us, so that should be fun!" Mum says, just as the words leave her lips there was a knock on the door. "That should be her," Mum smiles, going to go get the door. Jisoo walks in, her hair out and a black mini dress with a cross back. "Hey Jisoo," I greet, "hey Kook, looking very sharp," Jisoo complements, "not too bad yourself," I return. "Come on kids, let's go," Mum says.

We arrive at the event and Mum instantly goes off to talk with some colleagues, Jisoo and I just look at each other and smile. We look around, it was a very fancy business building with a whole bunch of new technology put up like a museum. "This is the start for every horror movie ever," Jisoo states. "Comforting thing to be thinking about," I joke. Jisoo laughs and starts to look around. I follow close after her, rolling my eyes, I stand next to her until a familiar exotic hair colours catch my eye.

"One sec Jisoo, I'll be back," I say, keeping my eyes stuck on this person's head. "Okay," Jisoo says and I walk off. As I get closer I get more sure of who it is. "Melanie?" I ask, Melanie turns around, "Jungkook, what are you doing here?" Melanie ask. "I could say the same for you," I smirk. Melanie shakes her head, "my Mum owns the company, how about you?" Meanie returns, "my Mum works for your Mum's company," I answer. 

I look down at what she was wearing an ocean green short dress with a white collar, purple lipstick, moon, mesh and crystal chokers and a purple flower bracelet and her hair was in perfect waves. Her whole outfit reminded me of something a very mature child would wear. "You look great," I complement, "you do too," Melanie returns. "Who's your friend?" Melanie asks, spotting Jisoo. "That would be Jisoo," I turn and signal for her to join the conversation, "she's my childhood friend and the one who called me the queen of England," I say. "Oh, I liked the sound of her," Melanie giggles.

Jisoo walks up, "Jisoo, this is Melanie, a friend from school, Melanie, this is Jisoo," I introduce, Jisoo smiles and puts her hand out. Melanie takes it, giving her a sad smile. "Hey, I know you, didn't you used to go to my primary school and the first year into my high school?" Jisoo asks. "Yeah, I think so," Melanie says, trying to remember, "I used to live in Busan before this," Melanie says. "Yes! It has to be you! Jennie Kim?" Jisoo checks. "Yes, I went to school with her," Melanie says, I could see the happiness spark in her eyes with the mention of Jennie. "Yeah, she's my best friend," Jisoo says.

We ended up walking around and talking, Jisoo and Melanie got along really well to my surprise. "Hey, you guys wanna go up a level? It's kinda noisy down here," Melanie offers looking around it had gotten quiet full. "Yeah," Jisoo and I say in sync, "JINX!" We both say to each other at the same time, wrapping our little fingers around each other's. "JINX AGAIN!" We say at the same time again, wrapping our other little finger's around each others. "Jungkook, you are seriously a child," Melanie sighs, rolling her eyes playfully.

We take the elevator up to one of the highest levels. We get out the elevator and walk down the hall, I go to one of the really big windows and look out. I look out and down, Seoul, all lit up it reminded me of when I was in Australia, I could look out from my dark house on Castle Hill and see the city, lit up beautifully with car lights and buildings. "Thinking?" Jisoo asks, standing next to me. "If I wasn't I'd be dead," I joke, "you know what I mean," Jisoo sighs, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, about Townsville," I sigh. "Where's that?" Melanie asks, "it's a small city in Queensland," I explain. 

Jisoo smiles and looks out, "I've never left Korea to be honest," Jisoo sighs, "there's a really pretty world out there Jisoo, I wish you could've come with me," I say, smiling at the memories of the world. Melanie walks up to us on the other side, "Melanie, you've left Korea before, right?" I ask. Melanie nods, "I wasn't born here, I was born in America," Melanie says, "I moved to Korea when I was about seven," Melanie says. I nod and keep looking out.

"Hey! You kids can't be up here!" We hear someone yell. Jisoo and I turn around while Melanie keeps looking out. "The party is down stairs," the guard says, he grabs my arm tightly, making me hiss in pain. Melanie turns around slowly, "they're with me," Melanie defends. "M-Melanie, I'm sorry but guests are not allowed up here, it's your Mother's orders," the guard tries to explain. Melanie put her finger up and closes her eyes, "are you deaf or are you just disobeying what I say?" Melanie asks as if she was CEO.  "I... Melanie, I really-," Melanie cuts him off, "ignoring my question?" Melanie says, her voice dropping. "Now, let Jungkook's arm go, and leave us be... or else," Melanie threatens.

The guard let's go of my arm and bows slightly to Melanie before walking off. "How did you do that?" I ask, rubbing my wrists. "My mother said that my word was her's or something like that, so basically I can order these workers around, although I don't," Melanie sighs. I pull up my sleeve a bit to check my cuts. Jisoo notices this and sighs. "We're talking about this when we get home," she whispers to me.

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