Boyz With Fun

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"Aha, you blinked!" Elena shouted triumphantly, throwing her hands up in the air and falling back on the couch.

Benjamin glared at her. "Hey, I did not! My eye had a muscle spasm!"

Elena laughed. "I don't think any muscle in your body is strong enough to have a spasm."

Benjamin went to yell back at her, but something caught his eye on the piano. He looked over at the stack of papers on top of its glossy surface. Even from where he stood, he recognized his sister's handwriting. "How long have you been writing stuff?"

Elena followed his gaze and shrugged. "All week. Mostly while you're at work or with the guys." She tilted her head. "Is that okay?"

Benjamin flipped through the sheet music, hearing the written notes in his head. "Yeah, yeah, that's fine." He said distractedly.

Just then, there was a knock at the door, and Elena jumped up to answer it. She rushed to the door and opened it to reveal 6 smiling faces and Yoongi. "Hey guys." Elena smiled warmly. "Uh, Benjamin is over there." She stepped back and opened the door wide enough for them to enter, revealing Benjamin still standing the piano across the room.

As the boys filed in, Elena looked at Benjamin in confusion. He had never mentioned them coming over, but she supposed she had no say in it anyway. She was, afterall, still only a guest.

"Hey, Elena, how are you?" Namjoon immediately focused on her once he stepped inside. He took the door from her grasp and swung it closed himself.

Smiling, Elena replied, "I'm good. It's been a while. How are you?"

Namjoon shrugged. "A little tired, but I'll survive."

Elena and Namjoon continued to chat idly while the rest of the boys gathered around Benjamin and the piano. Eventually, they dispersed. Jungkook, Jin, and Taehyung took the large couch while Jimin and Yoongi remained at the piano. Benjamin went to the kitchen for some snacks.

Elena was deep in conversation with Namjoon when the piano began to play. Her ears perked up, as she recognized the melody as her own. She looked over to see Yoongi sitting at the piano with her scribbled handwritten sheet music in front of him. As he played, he nodded his head along with the rhythms. Jimin was in charge of turning the pages- 4 sheets in total.

Elena looked wide-eyed at the scene, not knowing what to do.

"That sounds good. Who wrote this?" Namjoon commented quietly, his arms crossed in front of him as he too had his attention on Yoongi and the music.

Elena hesitated before hurrying over to the piano. She grabbed the sheet music from in front of Yoongi, causing his fingers to stop their smooth movements. When he looked up at her, Elena found herself blushing and speechless. "These are private." She managed to say, gathering all of the haphazard sheets of music notes and lyric ideas into one pile.

As Elena took the pile of papers to the side table by the couch, Jimin spoke up. "You wrote them?"

Elena didn't reply as she shut the papers into the drawer. Benjamin, who stood in the kitchen, said, "Both of us did. I'd say 73% is her writing though."

"It sounded lovely." Jungkook spoke up, smiling wide enough to show off his round cheeks and white teeth. "Do you write music a lot?"

Namjoon shifted on his feet, sensing the topic of music to be rather dangerous. He hoped nobody would reveal their secret for Benjamin's sake.

Elena laughed nervously. "Um, we used to." She emphasized the 'we' and looked at Benjamin for help.

Her brother ignored her, searching for the bag of chips he had recently purchased. Elena rolled her eyes. Thanks for the help, bro.

Happier (BTS)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang