Mic Drop

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Long dark eyelashes starkly contrasted her pale cheeks as her eyes remained firmly shut. That is, until a loud clash of pots and pans came from the kitchen. Her eyes shot open, and she immediately sprung out of the warm bed she had quickly claimed before Benjamin came home from the concert last night.

Elena made it to the kitchen in time to see half-cooked eggs spread across the floor and a defeated Benjamin standing in the midst of the mess. She then began to laugh hysterically, still half asleep. Benjamin watched her in horror, not remembering the last time his sister had laughed so hard.

"No need to laugh so much, Idiot." Benjamin muttered sadly as he set the pan in the sink and began to wipe up the disaster.

Elena shook her head, still laughing but not quite as hard. "Sorry, sorry, you're right. Need any help?" She offered.

Benjamin shook his head. "No, it's okay. Answer your phone though. It's been ringing all morning, and it's getting on my nerves."

Elena frowned and turned to find her phone sitting where she had left it on the couch last night. She walked over and snatched it from its resting place, clicking it on.

No messages.

"Not my phone, Benjamin. Must have been yours." Elena called over her shoulder. She spotted Benjamin's phone on the table by the couch. "I'll check them." She said and traded her phone for her brothers.

Benjamin shrugged. He didn't use his phone much anyway so he didn't mind.

Elena frowned at the overload of messages.

3 missed calls from Dance Monster
5 missed calls from V
V: Ben Hyung, I swear it's not what it looks like.
V: Hyung???
J-Hope: Ben, don't let your sister see the TV
J-Hope: !!!!!!!!!!!
Agust Gimme the D: Channel 5, now.
Jungcock: Hyung, does Elena even know about BTS yet?

"Channel 5?" Elena muttered, grabbing the television remote and turning on the boxy, vintage machine. Clicking to channel five, Elena was shocked to find her face zoomed in on from afar. "What the-"

"Earlier this week, BTS's V, or Kim Taehyung, and J-Hope, or Jung Hoseok, were seen at Haeundae Beach in Busan." The cheery female host said, "They weren't alone, however, as a girl was seen being very close to the two, especially Taehyung." Another image appeared, making Elena sick to her stomach. She was on top of Taehyung after she had pushed him into the water, both of them laughing and looking equally shocked. Another photo of Taehyung and Elena appeared, the two smiling at each other fondly as they sat on the sandy beach side-by-side, pinkies locked in a pinky promise. "The girl was also seen just last night by various audience members at the BIGBANG performance that took place in Seoul. With her was non other than Kim Taehyung. Sources claim the two were very close with one another and suspect that the two are an item." Two more photos covered the screen. One of Taehyung and Elena smiling at one another as they danced with the music. Another was of the two holding hands, walking away from where they had spoken to Benjamin and G-Dragon. Both were taken on phone cameras from the audience.

Elena stood, frozen. Why was this on the news?

"Following the KPop boy band's most recent album, the seven members have been rather quiet recently and avoiding the public eye. Could Kim Taehyung have found a love interest during this hiatus?" As the host continued to speak, various photos of the entire group- Namjoon, Jimin, Jin, Jungkook, Hoseok, Taehyung, and even Yoongi- flashed across the screen. They were onstage, dancing, singing, or rapping, with flashy outfits and flirty smiles to make any girl melt.

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