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The morning sunlight streamed through the windows of the living room and kitchen. Along with the sun waking up was the population of Seoul. Within the living room, on the lumpy cushions of the couch, a sleeping figure was curled up. One slipper remained on her foot while the other had fallen off at some point during the night and lay on its side on the floor. She shifted, her stiff joints cracking with the movement and a soft tired groan escaping from her lips.

Elena rubbed at her eyes before squinting at her surroundings. It took her a few seconds to recognize that she was no longer home in America. Remembering last night, she closed her eyes and exhaled slowly before forcing herself into a sitting position.

Grabbing her phone from her nightstand, she ignored the messages she had received from Claire, Annabelle, and a few other friends in America and checked the time- 11:37 AM.

She frowned when she saw how much of her first full day she had wasted, but felt much better after her slumber. The quality could have been better, but the quantity would have to do for now.

Pushing herself to her feet, she slipped back on the missing slipper and shuffled to the kitchen to make herself some coffee. Fortunately, Benjamin had an entire mountain of coffee selections and a nice Kurig machine at the corner of the countertop. Just as the coffee was filling the mug, Elena heard an uneven shuffling and tired sniffles from the hallway.

Sighing to herself, she added sugar and milk into the mug, just how her brother likes it. Benjamin came into view, looking absolutely miserable with his tired eyes, pained expression, and messed up curls. Elena brought the mug over to him and asked softly, "Coffee?"

Benjamin blinked, squinting through the morning sunlight despite it not being very bright. He muttered a thanks and took the mug, looking ashamed.

"Jin and Namjoon brought you home last night, by the way. Make sure to thank them. Also, I saved a granola bar for you since you don't have much food here. It should help. I can run out and grocery shop in a little bit so just write me a list of what to get." Elena spoke as she went back to the coffee machine to make herself a cup once again.

Benjamin frowned as he watched his sister. It had been so long since he had seen her that it was like seeing her for the first time. He was stunned by how grown-up she was; it seemed like just yesterday that she was 16 and whining about him not singing her song correctly. Now, at 21, she was no longer the nerdy, scrawny girl with braces and constant bedhead she used to be, albeit she still wore her glasses every so often.

Elena noticed the silence and looked over at her brother, catching him staring. "Are you alright?" She asked.

Benjamin just scoffed and shook his head. "Elena," he looked down at his perfect mug of coffee, "why are you so nice?"

Elena frowned, turning her body to fully face him. "Sorry?" She wasn't sure what he meant by that.

Benjamin took a sip of his drink before clarifying. "You've been here for less than 24 hours, and I've been nothing but selfish and a burden already, yet you gave me your coffee and...I just want to know how you're so...perfect."

Elena was stunned. She had never heard her brother say anything positive about her since the day of her senior prom when he made the brief comment of calling her beautiful. Even then, it was followed by 'moron'. Slowly, she shook her head. "I'm far from perfect, Benny. I'm just being a sister."

Benjamin shook his head. "Sisters aren't this nice all the time. Do something selfish for once in your life, El. Be normal." He knew she'd never see it, but she was everything he wasn't: intelligent, kind, responsible. The only similarities they shared were their tall, slim frames and dark hair- all physical. And they both were musically inclined, but even then, Elena was better. Has she always been better than him?

Elena sipped her drink, letting the hot steam warm her hands and face. "Sorry, I know I'm not normal. I'll do better." She didn't know what else to say. Never had she been told that she was too nice. She could see what Benjamin was saying, as she always did stuff like this without asking nor receiving anything in return. Was she supposed to stop? What was wrong with being kind to a sibling? Elena knew she was overthinking this; she always did over trivial things,

"I'll take care of the groceries." Benjamin said, interrupting Elena's thoughts. "I don't trust you to get the right stuff."

"Hey~, don't say that!" Elena called out, grabbing her coffee mug and the granola bar she saved for Benjamin. She chucked the granola bar at her brother, and thus, the friendly atmosphere replaced the quiet one from before.

Before Elena could through another granola bar at her brother, her phone began to ring. Benjamin grabbed it before she could and answered. "Hello, this is Elena May's secretary speaking."

"Give me my phone, Ben!" Elena reached for the phone but Benjamin swiftly evaded her grasp.

"Uh huh." "No, she isn't here right now." "Yeah, she's fine. She got here late last night." "She went sight-seeing. I'm joining her now." "Okay bye, love you!" Benjamin hung up and handed Elena her phone. "It was dad asking how you were already."

Elena snatched her phone. "Why did you tell him I wasn't around?"

Benjamin sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair. "They need to know you can't always be fretted over and that you're a grownup perfectly capable on her own for a few days."

Elena frowned and crossed her arms in front of her. "They're our parents, Benny. They have a right to worry over us when we move to the opposite end of the globe from them."

Benjamin shook his head. "Then you call them back. I'm just saying, they coddle you way too much. You need to broaden your horizons and reach for the sky without dad shoving sunglasses on your face and sunscreen all over your body."

Elena looked at Benjamin, thinking through his words while clutching her phone. She flipped it around in her grasp a few times before dialing her father's number.

Photo by me (just a mood™️ of how I imagine Benjamin's apartment to be)

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