Love Is Not Over

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The weather was her favorite that day- bright and with blue-skies. The weather also, however, was opposite the mood of the grim May household.

The funeral was today.

Even now, after the service, Elena still wasn't sure how she held herself together in front of the gravestone with her mother's name carved into the marble. She supposed it was because Hoseok and Jimin were there along with Benjamin. She was certain Jimin's hand was broken due to her clinging to it like it was her life line; yet, he never once complained or showed he noticed. He simply squeezed back.

Elena had never seen her father cry before- not like that. If she had to imagine the sound of a heart shattering into pieces, it would be the sobs that shook her father's body as he knelt over his wife's grave. He sounded lost, as if love could never return to his heart or maybe that was just Elena.

He still wasn't home yet, as he had told Elena and Benjamin to go home and get some rest- that he would catch up with them later. That was four hours ago.

As she thought about it, she realized that her parents weren't just together to be her parents. They were together because they truly loved each other; they were a couple- having been together since college- and inseparable yet independent individuals with their own lives, pasts, thoughts, emotions, and futures. Now, her father's future no longer promised his wife's presence, and he was lost without that piece to his puzzle called Life.

Pacing back and forth feverishly, Benjamin held his phone in his sweating hand with a thousand thoughts passing through his mind. Why wasn't his father answering his texts? Was he alright? Would he come home soon? He couldn't help but imagine his father, lifeless and cold, by his mother's grave. Only Benjamin knew of his father's depressive tendencies, as the man hid it almost too well. Even Elena never expected it. But Benjamin knew his father was fragile and the likelihood of him having a psychotic break over this was dangerously high. So, here he was, having sweat through his shirt and biting holes into his bottom lip.

On the other hand, Elena slept deeply in her bedroom after having made sure Hoseok and Jimin were safely in their hotel room. She had finally cracked from the many sleepless nights of studying and distracting herself from thoughts of her mother. Even in sleep, she remained tense and plagued by nightmares.

Benjamin forced himself to put his phone on the table to charge. He turned his ringer as loud as it would go and walked over to the couch, five feet away. He collapsed on the soft cushions that reminded him of his childhood; they even smelt of his mother's perfume still. Letting out a sigh, he rubbed his eyes tiredly. When will everything be okay again?

He lay there for an undetermined amount of time before he suddenly found himself waking up to the sound of footsteps. Benjamin opened his heavy eyelids and turned his head to look towards the front door. He distantly noticed it was dark outside already.

Elena stopped in her attempts to remain quiet. She was mid-movement to tie her right shoe when she noticed her brother was awake. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

Yes. "No, not at all. Where are you going?" Benjamin responded with a rough, sleepy voice.

Elena finished tying her shoe as she responded. "Out. I need some air."

Benjamin began to sit up. "I'll come with you-"

"No." Elena said quickly, "I need some time alone, Benny. Sorry, I just...want to be alone for a moment."

Benjamin wanted to be hurt, but he understood. He slowly nodded and moved to sit upright on the couch while letting out a yawn. "Be safe. Keep your phone on and be back soon. Did dad come back?"

Elena slowly shook her head. "No. Not yet." She frowned and wrapped her hand around the doorknob. "I'll keep an eye out for him. Bye, Ben."

Stepping out into the fresh air sent a temporary feeling of relief through Elena's body. She had been cooped up inside only for a few hours, but the soft wind still felt wonderful to her. The weather itself was cold, but her jacket battled the chill enough for her to keep walking.

Elena had no destination in mind, as she simply allowed her feet to carry her forward. Her mind raced, but at the same time, she thought of nothing in particular. School, her mom, her friends, Benjamin, her photography.

She pulled out her phone, remembering that she had gotten an e-mail earlier that she hadn't opened yet. She had assumed it was another junk mail deal, but now that she thought back to the brief flash of an e-mail address she saw, it looked familiar. Maybe it was Yoongi. Oh how she missed them all. She hadn't messaged any of them in a few days due to the service and her, to be frank, lack of motivation. Making a mental note to text one of them later, she continued her meandering.

Clicking on the mail icon, Elena opened her inbox to find an e-mail she recognized; the one she had assumed was Yoongi's. As she read, her stomach dropped; it certainly wasn't Yoongi's e-mail she sent those photos to.

Miss Elena May;

I am writing to you in response to the photos you sent me earlier in the month. My apologies for the late response. Anyhow, it has been brought to my attention that you know of my Bangtan Boys, and they were the ones to blindly give my contact information to you. Those boys. Always making trouble for me.
Nonetheless, I was quite impressed by the shots you took of them and would like to offer you a position as Bangtan Sonyeontan's visual photographer. I will gladly send more details to you if you are interested.
Additionally, I am also aware that you are in America currently for family issues; however, I'm afraid to say that I cannot hold the position open specifically for you for very long- until the end of the week at most as we have an MV to shoot soon. I apologize for the rush, and I offer my sincerest condolences.

We await for your response, Miss May.

BigHit Entertainment, Bang Si-Hyuk

Elena's eyes were wide as she slowed from her quick-paced walk. Did she really send her amateur photos to the manager of BigHit Entertainment? How did she not realize the e-mail address wasn't Yoongi's? Furthermore, should she accept the job? She was still in schooling in America; how could she just drop everything she's studied for?

Sliding her phone back into her pocket, she kept walking, albeit slower this time. She hardly noticed where she was; her thoughts had turned positive for the first time in far too long. A smile began to paint itself on her lips, an action that felt foreign to her. Her heart jumped with joy and excitement. She could finally do what she wanted to do. The girl laughed a little to herself, already imagining the possibilities that could be brought to her with this opportunity.

Min Yoongi, you are lucky this turned out well.


Dear Mr. Bang Si-Hyuk;

I am thoroughly interested in accepting your offer. Of course, I have questions as well; I was not aware that I had sent the photos to you in the first place. I apologize for that. Regardless, I would greatly appreciate more details on the job offer whenever you find time for me.

Thank you

Elena May


Miss May;

As much as I hate to ask this of you, but could I inquire as to when you will be returning to South Korea? I believe business is always best discussed through a face-to-face channel.

Bang Si-Hyuk


Dear Mr. Bang Si-Hyuk;

I will be returning next week- Tuesday, December 15th, 2016. Any time you want to meet will be suitable for me.

Elena May

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