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The rest of the day, Elena stayed in the apartment. Seeing herself broadcasted across a country she barely knew took any energy she had right out of her. Fingers glued to the piano, she composed in the empty room while missing the boys already. The song was faster than any other she had written and was full of her built up embarrassment, frustration, and inner conflict. It wasn't good, not by a long shot, but it was emotional.

By the time the sun went down, Elena was starving and surrounded by crumpled up paper with haphazard music notes printed on them all. Her phone had been buzzing all day, but she never looked to see who it was or what they wanted. She had had enough of technology for one day.

It wasn't until she had gulped down a cup of tea that she checked her phone. A message from Ben asking if she wanted to go out for dinner, a message from Taehyung asking the same, and a missed call and voicemail both from her father.

He always called to check up on her, but she never told Benjamin. They never called him because Ben never called them or returned any of their calls. She figured she'd call later and responded to Benjamin.

I'd love to go to dinner. Where and when?

Elena retreated to the bedroom to change out of her pajamas and into some jeans and a sweater. She was brushing her knotted hair when Ben replied.

Benny Boiii: I'll pick you up. The guys are meeting us there if that's okay?


Elena wasn't mad at them, she was sure of that. What she wasn't sure about was if there would be consequences for being so close to them. Would they get in trouble? Would she get in trouble? She was already so fond of them all, leaving South Korea was going to be far harder than it should be. Why did she allow herself to fall so far?

She didn't regret meeting the guys; however, she did regret coming to South Korea to an extent. She loved the sites and the food and the culture they showed her. She loved the beach at Busan and the jellyfish at the aquarium. She loved the necklace Taehyung had given her and the kiss she could still feel on her forehead. It was her mother, unwell back in America that she had left behind, that made her regret the journey.

Only a week left, she kept repeating to herself. Her mother was still stable as her father had told her last night after Taehyung had left. She was reassured. She was confident she could make it till the end of the week. Her father assured her they were both fine.

It was just hard to accept that after so many years of uncertainty.

A car horn honked from outside just as Elena's phone buzzed.

Benny Boiii: get your ass out here.

Say that again and I'll beat yours.

Elena grabbed her wallet, shoved it into her pocket, and put her phone in the other remaining one before jogging out of the apartment.

This time, she didn't forget the key.


"Ahh~ Hoseok, why do you always steal my food?" Jimin complained, snapping his chopsticks in an attempt to grab his chicken back from Hoseok's plate.

"It always tastes better when it's someone else's." Hoseok observed gracefully, laughing loudly at Jimin's failed attempts to retrieve the food.

Jin shook his head. "Yah, that's perfectly good food, don't go playing with it, you heathens." He called from the opposite end of the table.

"Says you, Hyung." Jungkook said, squinting his eyes as he grinned triumphantly due to Yoongi's snickering in response.

Jin frowned and went off on the poor maknae, the entire table bursting into fits of laughter as Jin droned on and on. "Ah, who are you to question the Almighty? The most handsome? The perfect chef? You, who burns cereal and freezes a heated oven? I won't stand for this! You see this?! This is a masterpiece! A perfect blend of meat, spices, vegetables! Do you even know what this is, Jeon Jungkook?! This is a RICE GRAIN! It provides nutrition to our bodies when we are in need of energy! Who are we to play with it and ruin it's role in which it serves to benefit our unbelievably hot bodies?! I will spell it out for you H-E-A-L-T-H, what does that say, Jeon Jungkook?! What does it say!?"

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