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Darkness was all she could see as she blindly stumbled along. A firm hand grasped her shoulder, leading her through wherever it was she had been taken. Elena couldn't help the nerves that built up in her body. "Where are we?" She asked.

She received no answer and simply allowed herself to be pulled along. She could hear something- water? Was she by the sea?

Suddenly, the hand on her shoulder disappeared, and she felt a tug on her blindfold. She squinted at the bright late afternoon sunlight as the cloth fell away.

"Surprise!" Taehyung and Hoseok stood in front of her, their arms spread out wide. "Elena, welcome to Busan's Haeundae Beach!" Taehyung exclaimed.

Elena smiled as she looked around in wonder. "It's beautiful." She whispered.

Both boys nodded in approval, bumping fists for a job well done. "We thought you've only really seen cities, so a beach would be a nice change." Hoseok said, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets.

Elena just now noticed that both boys wore masks to hide their faces. She wasn't quite used to that yet but didn't question it. Instead, she smiled and said, "Thank you, guys. You didn't have to, really-"

"But we wanted to. What kind of South Korean tour guides would we be if we didn't guide?" Taehyung said. Judging from his squinted eyes, he was most definitely smiling behind his black mask.

"Anyway, come on. Let's walk the beach. This time of year, there's hardly any people around." Hoseok said and led the way away from the road and towards the shoreline.

Immediately, Elena took off her shoes and socks to walk through the sand as she had seen countless people do at beaches. She stepped onto the soft sand and couldn't help but give a giggle of excitement.

Taehyung looked back and noticed her careful, barefooted steps. "You okay?" He asked before noticing her smile.

Elena looked up at Taehyung, her eyes sparkling and her smile sweet. Taehyung felt his heart skip a beat. "This is my first time on a beach." She said, fully approaching the tall boy. "The sand feels so weird." She commented, practically dancing in place.

Taehyung cleared his throat, feeling his face heating up slightly, before saying happily, "I'm glad we could be a part of a first for you!" The two walked side-by-side as he asked, "You've never gone to any American beaches?"

Elena shook her head. "Nope. My mother is petrified of the ocean. We always went to places like Tennessee or Arizona for vacations, if we went at all."

Taehyung nodded in understanding, and remained silent as they finally reached Hoseok.

Hoseok turned around, not having noticed the two's brief absence, and looked down at Elena's feet. He laughed. "Aren't you cold?"

Elena set her shoes and socks down on the sand. Looking out at the water, she seemed to be conflicted before coming to some sort of conclusion. "The cold isn't nearly as torturous as missing out on my first sea." And with that, Elena started walking towards where the sand met the water's tides. She reached the edge of the damp section of sand and looked back at Hoseok and Taehyung. She smiled her perfect smile, sending another wave of breathlessness over Taehyung. "Coming?" She questioned.

The two boys were utterly confused until they saw her take a few steps further towards the water, and the tide washed over her feet and slapped at her ankles. "Ah! It's so cold!" She exclaimed, letting out a short laugh.

"Yah~ , you're going to get your clothes all wet!" Hoseok shouted.

Elena took another step further before spinning on her heels to face Tae and Hoseok. She raised an eyebrow before saying, "Good!" And allowing another small wave to wash over her, now reaching past the hem of her jeans and hitting mid-calf.

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