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You know the lull between Christmas and New Years? Everyone seems to be in a stupor- like time isn't moving as it normally does. The holiday cheer of Christmas begins to subside, and the promise of a new beginning begins to swell.

This lull plagued Elena mercilessly.

The boys were crammed with dance practices and song writing for their next album; Benjamin was busy with his work, and Elena was sitting on her couch, having been given the day off.

Sure, she had been busy up until now with photoshoots and assisting with cinematography concepts for the next music video. The day off, despite being mind-numbing, was much needed. Elena kept herself busy cleaning up the apartment- she felt she owed it to Benjamin since he allowed her to live with him until she saved up for her own place- and eventually reading news articles to keep some kind of awareness to the world outside the apartment and BigHit.

In the midst of an article discussing the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye, Elena's phone began to vibrate from where it sat charging on the small table by the couch. Eyes half-closed, she leaned to the side until she could read the contact ID on the screen.


Elena picked up her phone and clicked the answer button. "Hello?" She wasn't sure why her voice seemed so shy, as she messaged Annabelle often despite her move to South Korea. She supposed calling was much different from texting.

"Where are you?" Annabella immediately asked.

Caught off-guard, Elena blinked a few times before saying, "Seoul."

"I know that, Idiot, I mean where in Seoul," Annabelle laughed.

Still confused, Elena replied, "Ben's apartment-"

"Get dressed. I'll be there in a few." And with that, the call ended.

Elena's stomach did a flip. Annabelle was in Korea? How and when did she get here? Why was she here? Elena glanced down at her sweatpants and hoodie.

How did she know I wasn't dressed?

So many questions, but Elena set them aside as she ran to the bedroom to change. Slipping on a plain black shirt, Elena was still buttoning up her jeans when a knock was heard at the front door.

Skating across the hardwood floors in her vibrant red socks, Elena fixed her jeans and opened the door. Arms were instantly around her neck, nearly knocking both of them to the ground. It was strange that Elena recognized Annabelle's flowery shampoo scent before recognizing her appearance.

"You dyed your hair?" Elena meant to state it rather than sound questioning, but her voice disobeyed her.

Either way, Annabelle just nodded and pushed her hair away from her face. "I did! You like it? I figured bright red would distract from my lack of fashion sense. How are you?" With barely a breath between sentences, Annabelle looked around the room as she spoke. "I didn't know Benjamin was so good at interior decorating."

Elena, no longer a stunned goldfish, asked, "Why are you here? In Seoul, I mean."

Annabelle frowned, looking confused as she said, "For your party."

Blinking blankly, Elena shook her head, "What party?"

Annabelle, immediately sobered from her earlier bout of excited chatter, "Um," she wasn't sure what to say, "You invited me to a celebration party." She continued, "For your NG photos."


Elena's brain suddenly couldn't make sense of the English vocabulary flowing out of Annabelle's mouth. She blinked a few times, about to question further, before her cellphone rang for the second time this morning. She looked at the name that displayed on her screen and, albeit hesitantly, answered, "Hello?"

"Hey, Elena, it's Jin!"

Elena quirked an eyebrow, "I know. I have caller ID, Dummy." she teased, "What's up?"

There was a brief moment of rustling before Jin's voice came through again, "Uh, yeah, um, we need you at the studio."

Glancing over at Annabelle, who was thoroughly interested in snooping around the apartment, Elena said, "I still have the rest of this week off. Everyone does."

"Well, not anymore! I need pictures of my handsome face." Jin stumbled over his words, making Elena giggle. Jin never was a very good liar.

But, to humor him, she went along with it. "Oh, okay, well, I'll be on my way in an hour or so-"

"No!" Jin blurted, "I need your skills now- right now, Missy!"

Annabelle, who had heard the shout through the phone, turned her attention to Elena and mouthed, 'who is that?'.

Elena quietly whispered, "Jin," before raising her voice back to an audible level, "Okay, okay, give me fifteen minutes. Ben took the car, so I'll have to take the bus-"

"There's no time! I'm late, and I'm five minutes from your apartment! See you soon, El, bye!" and with that, Jin hung up on her.

Stuffing her phone into her pocket, Elena turned to Annabelle. "So," she started, "this party, I'm assuming, was supposed to be a surprise."

Annabelle shrugged. "I guess so. Nobody really told me anything except Benjamin booked and paid for my flight. The details must have been overlooked, and, besides, my flight was early by an hour, so I'm sure I'll get a text to not tell you in a few-" her phone dinged with a message, "nano-seconds." she finished as she pulled her phone out of her pocket with a dramatic flourish.

Elena rolled her eyes, grabbing her jacket and camera bag. "Boys suck at planning."

"Amen, sister."

Letting out a small laugh, Elena couldn't help but wonder, "So, by 'NG'...?" she droned off, hoping Annabelle would get what she was saying.

Sheepishly looking at the ground, Annabelle said, "Oh, yeah, Benjamin must have gotten the letter from National Geographic before you saw it."

Feeling her stomach twist from giddiness, Elena commented, "What a little weasel," before fidgeting with nervous excitement. "I just...I didn't think I'd actually get my photographs approved-"

Annabelle gaped at her friend. "Seriously? They would be idiots not to use your photos! Now, get your excitement out before Jin gets here because you have to act clueless so as not to hurt their precious little boy-feelings. They might suck at planning these things, but they definitely care a lot about surprising you with the news."

Elena found herself smiling wide enough for dimples to appear on her cheeks. The news finally setting in- her photos were going to be published. In National Geographic.

Her photos.
Were going to be.
For all to see.

She looked back at Annabelle, eyes wide and laughter bubbling up in her chest as her heart swelled with pure happiness. Annabelle smiled back, excitedly wrapping her arms around Elena in a tight hug.

The two didn't let go until a loud car horn honked from just below the kitchen window, where the small street cut through the area. Knowing it must be Jin, Elena quickly stepped away from her friend, gathered her bag, and hurried down the stairs.

Elena quickly hid her excitement, putting on a much less giddy façade just before Jin and his car came into view.

Jin spotted her and frantically waved at her, as if she hadn't already seen him.

"Sorry, I couldn't find my camera." Elena said as she reached the vehicle.

Jin smiled, striking a picturesque pose as he said, "No worries- my handsome looks aren't going anywhere."

Elena rolled her eyes, settling into the passenger seat and buckling up as Jin sped away from the curb, laughing at his own joke.

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