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Dinner ended smoothly and happily. So happily, that nobody wanted to go home. Namjoon, surprisingly, had been the one to suggest a nearby club to continue the night at. He ensured that it was safe, clean, and in a good area. This won over a part of the group; however, Yoongi, Jungkook, Jimin, and Benjamin weren't too keen on the idea- all four claiming they were tired after the long day.

After an extended discussion, Yoongi, Jungkook, Jimin, and Benjamin all left to head back to the Mays' apartment. This left Jin, Hoseok, Taehyung, Elena, and Namjoon to meander their way to the club. At first, Elena was rather nervous about going, but Taehyung assured her that he would stay by her side and make sure she was safe. He meant it too. How could he let anyone lay a hand on his friend?

The outside of the club was rather dark, but the open door let out multi-colored lights and muffled music into the street. Namjoon was right, it actually seemed pretty elite in nature.

Elena worried they wouldn't let her in, seeing as she was nobody special, unlike the boys around her.

The hallway was wide and long, their footsteps steadily being overtaken by the music volume. Pristine marble flooring lay underneath them while the walls were a smooth almond tone. Artwork hung from the walls and a few people stood around, chatting where the music wasn't quite as loud.

Elena looked around her at the people. They were all, well, beautiful. Sharp jawlines, confident postures, and expensive clothing surrounded her. It made Elena insecure in her jeans, boots, and black sweater on her small and nervous frame.

Her eyes met a man's who was leaning against the wall, speaking with two other men and a gorgeous woman. It took her a moment to recognize Ji Yong's intimidating stare and by then, he was looking at her too. He sent her a curious look before nodding in polite acknowledgement. Elena smiled nervously before focusing on Taehyung.

They reached a large set of double doors where a large man stood guard- the bouncer. He was dressed in solid black, but Elena could see the muscles under his shirt. Damn...

"Ah, Kim Namjoon. It's been a while." The man greeted in a gruff voice.

Namjoon sent him his prized dimpled smile. "It's nice to be back, Sooho. May we?" He gestured towards the door.

Sooho looked out over the group, his eyes landing on Elena. She instantly clung to Taehyung and Hoseok, hiding behind them.

"The girl with you?" Sooho asked, his black eyes fixed on Elena's trembling frame.

Namjoon nodded and confirmed the question, allowing the group to pass through and onto the main floor.

Elena's eyes roamed over the club, her mouth open in awe. The diamond chandelier reflected the reds, pinks, blues, and greens of the lights elegantly. Raised glass platforms lined the walls of the round room. A brightly lit bar was situated to the left of the entrance on its own raised glass platform. At the center was the dance floor, filled with dozens of beautiful people. A few looked over at their arrival, recognizing the boys, but looking confused by the awestruck American girl that held Taehyung and Hoseok's hands. There were also, of course, a few who must have seen the KBS breaking news regarding the rumors involving Elena; those people looked either shocked or suspicious, but Elena decided to ignore it the best she could.

The music was loud but really not as obnoxious as expected. Elena even recognized the song and smiled excitedly.

"Jin, Namjoon!" A man sitting at one of the white leather couches towards the right side of the room shouted. The two immediately rushed over, smiling and greeting their friend. A curtain of twinkling, diamond strings separated the couch area, where Namjoon, Jin, and their friends were, and the dance floor.

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