Chapter 13: Competition PT. ONE

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Sketch POV
I watched as Autumn was making gestures with her hands and talking. I didn't listen. Corl was so into her story. It was 9 AM and we had woken up earlier. It was hot and dry outside and she had her fawn hair down. Suddenly, something caught my interest, "I don't know if it was geans from my Dad, or if I'm just a natural. It just comes naturally I guess."
"What does?" I asked.

Corl POV
I wished I was as confident and strong as Autumn. I didn't like her. I loved Denis, but Autumn seemed so inspiring. Denis had his arm on my waist and Sketch was blushing and staring at Autumn. "What does?" he asked her.
She sing-songed, "Someone has a crush." She looked at Sketch then continued, "Football. Im good a throwing and tackling. Once there was this guy and he was two times my weight. It was seventh grade after school and there was a snow hill. Him and his friends were playing 'Sudden Death.' He said that anyone who was on the hill had to play. I was on the hill. I slid down as he approach, then he said 'She killed herself! I bet she would be good... At falling.' I got back up and said, 'Lets go.' he went to push me and I span. He repeated that two times after. He then went full contact. I took him and threw him off the hill. I told him 'How that for a girl, eh?' Oh and another time in seventh grade we have Physical Education with the sixers. A boy said I couldn't throw, I through perfectly and he never spoke to me for the rest off the day." She blushed, "I didn't mean to brag."
I shrugged.

Autumn POV
I felt like I was bragging still after Corl shrugged. Suddenly Sketch stood up, "Lets see then. There's a field near here. Heck, the boys could even watch you go down."
"Your on, but first I'm changing, I'm not playing football in a nightgown." I said standing up. I walked away. I went in the bathroom and got changed into short shorts and a tank top. I already had a sports bra on and quickly put my hair in a french braid. I shoved on my sneakers and deodorant. I walked out. Sketch was using Denis' room as a change room. I smiled walking downstairs.
Corl took me aside, "Sketch has pride. Don't damage it too much. Also, are you trying to impress him or something?"
I chuckled, "Why do you think that?" His eyes ran down to my legs. I knew he loved Denis so I didn't mind.
He looked back up at me, "I could have sworn you had actual leggings."
I winked, "I know he likes me. I'm not playing, just teasing."
Corl looked concerned, "Your not one of the gals who sit there and have forty different men, right?"
I rolled my eyes, "My boyfriend cheated on me with one of those girls. I don't think I'll do that anytime soon."
He sighed, "Good."
Sketch came walking out. His jaw dropped and he blushed. He was in shorts and a muscle top. I grabbed my bag with a bottle of water, an ankle brace, an unused whistle, a football and an extra water bottle. "Lets go." I said. Everyone followed. Sketch led the way to the football field. (I'm not talking about soccer. I'm talking North American Football.) Naturally I drank some water, then ran around the field a couple times. I ran to the bleachers and smiled. Sketch had just finished running.
"Ok, how it works is the ball is in the middle of the field. Me and Sketch are ten yards from the ball. First one to get it runs. Opposing person tackles runner. Once tackled, the ball is place to nearest ten yard line. It repeats till one gets a touchdown. Any questions?" I said.
Corl asked, "Can I place the ball and be ref?"
"Sure." I said. No one else asked anything else. Corl placed the ball in the middle. I cracked my neck and rolled my shoulders. I got into position and Corl blew the whistle. I bolted for it. I grabbed it and ran 13 yards, but Sketch tackled me. He got off of me and helped me up.
Corl placed the ball on the ten yard line. Sketch grabbed it and ran. I ran beside him and pounced. I and he fell, I kept going so I rolled. I turned, he laid there blushing.
"You smell like vanilla and strawberries." he said love struck. I heard Ethan snicker behind me. I helped him.
"Thanks," I winked and whispered in his ear, "and you smell like cinnamon rolls." His cheeks grew more and more red.
Ethan ran up, "Can I talk to Sketch?" Sketch snapped out of it.
I shrugged, "I need a water break anyway." I sprinted to the bleachers and skidded to a stop. I grabbed my water and Corl stared at me.
I swallowed some then asked, "What?"
Corl face-palmed himself, "What did you and Sketch say that made Sketch turn red?"
"He said I smell like vanilla and strawberries. So I said he smells like cinnamon rolls."
Corl stared. "What he does." I shrugged.
Denis got up and looked at me, "You fit in with our group, that's for sure." Sketch ran up behind me.
"Come on. Lets finish." I said twisting my back so it cracked.
Sketch looked startled, "How many parts of your body can you crack?" I shrugged.
I got into position and the whistle blew. I ran for the ball. We played until I got a touchdown. Sketch looked upset. "You ok?"
He looked up, "Yeah. Lets go get some water." I had given him my extra water bottle before so he took a drink. I took another drink out of mine.
"You sure your ok?" I said. We had started to walk away from the bleachers.
"No, I just never thought I would get beaten by a girl." Sketch said.
"Oh, come on. You are really fast." I said.
"And your more athletic." Sketch replied stopping.
"Your faster." I said. I looked down at my stomach.

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