Chapter 23: Voilence

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Autumn POV
I was crunching down an alley with Corl and a baseball bat flew towards us. I dropped my crutches and pushed Corl out of the way. Austin had thrown it and it hit me in the face. I could hear my heart and breathing. Austin pulled out a knife and walked to Corl. It was like everything went slow motion. Quickly, I scrambled to Corl. I laid on top of his back, my back facing the sky. The walking sounded closer. I put my arms over his head and protected his little body.
Austin slowly cut in between my shoulder blades.

Corl POV
I laid on the ground. I felt pressure on my back. I heard groaning then sirens. I felt the pressure roll off of me, Autumn.
Autumn clawed at the ground and her breath hitched. Blood stained through her shirt and Denis, Alex, Sub, Sketch, and the paramedics hurried to her. Denis stared at me, "Did you get hurt?" I shook my head.
He examined me and Autumn stood. Autumn took off her shirt and ran her hand in the blood to her collarbone. Her face was pale and her eye was swollen. When she was in the ambulance, everyone turned to me, "What happened?"
I shrugged, "I know little. Ask her."
Sketch punched the wall, "I wish I was there."
I sighed, "All I know is that Autumn saved me from the baseball bat. Then she climbed on top of me to protect me from the knife."
Denis put his hand on Sketch's shoulder, "She'll be ok."

Sketch POV
I felt anger boil. I snapped at Denis, "Easy for you to say, your PARTNER isn't in an ambulance."
Corl sighed, "She risked her life for me. I can't believe it."
Alex and Sub pulled me away to calm down. Denis looked at me, "I... thank you."
I drew back, "What?!?"
He shrugged.

Time skip a month
Autumn limped down the road with me, Alex, Sub, Denis, Corl, and Ethan. Corl sighed, "Why'd you do it?"
Autumn looked at her phone, "Do what?"
Corl stopped her, "Why did you risk your life for me? Why did you not tell us what happened?"
Autumn put her phone in her back pocket, "One, you had gone through so much that I didn't want you depressed, two, what do you mean?"
Corl looked at her seriously, "What happened after the baseball bat?"
Autumn ran her hand down her collar bone, "After I pushed you out of the way, it hit me, I could feel and hear my heart and breath racing. Austin walked to you with a knife. I scrambled and crawled on you, hoping to protect you. I put my arms on your head and Austin cut my in between my shoulder blades. You know the rest."
I could feel my anger boil, "He WHAT?!"
Autumn turned, "Austin in jail, or Corl underneath me."
Denis snapped, "Autumn, seriously, why?"
Autumn took a deep breath, "Would you rather Corl dead?"
Denis went to grab her neck but she grabbed his wrist, "Back. Off." She twisted his wrist. I felt guilty. Denis suddenly grabbed her shirt collar, Autumn looked at him completely calm.
Denis pulled her closer, Corl looked scared, Sub and Alex were trying to separate the two. Ethan grabbed onto Autumn's hand. I whistled, "Hey your not making your chances with Corl any better."
Denis whipped his head to Corl and hugged him. We walked home in silence.

Denis POV
Corl went to our room. I watched TV for a couple of hours. I went upstairs to check on Corl. He had a pillow on the wall placed on his back. I laced my hand on his waist and looked at his phone screen, "Batgirl and Batman making out, seems cheesy."
Corl blushed, "I turned on YouTube and zoned out I guess."
I smiled, "Let's reenact the scene."
Corl turned rosier, "I don't know.."
I whipped on the bed bringing Corl with me.  He slowly leaned in and kissed me, I brought my hands to his back. He sat up and took off his hoodie. He leaned back down to kiss me. The door swung open he got off of me, Ethan was at the door.
Ethan blinked, "I've officially seen the second make out of this house. Anyway, Sketch needs you guys. Come on."
We followed Ethan to Sketch's room. Autumn laid on the floor her arms in front on her face and her knees up. Corl bent down next to her and brushed his hand on her arm. She whimpered and slid herself into the wall.
Corl grabbed her wrist. She snapped her wrists on the floor and faced away from Corl. I went in the bathroom and got a cup of water. I splashed it on her. Her eyes fluttered open.
She struggled to get up. She had her back on the wall and she looked at her phone, "Ethan, your embarrassing yourself."
Everyone looked at Ethan and Autumn brushed past me. Corl quickly followed her, "What just happened?"
"Meltdown." Autumn replied, "Look, tomorrow I have classes. I got to go do one last check."
Sketch stepped up, "Your not going alone."
She nodded and they walked out. Alex and Sub walked away, I turned to Corl, "Shall we continue?"
He smiled and slipped up the stairs. I laid down and he locked the door. He got on top of me and leaned in. I got impatient and put my hands on his back pulling him closer.

Dorl: Do you miss me? (1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon