Chapter 20: Date

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Sketch POV
Autumn had been preparing herself for a while. We were watching TV when everyone looked behind us. I turned to see Autumn. I stopped dead. She was wearing a gold short dress that was strapless and tight. Her legs were bare and she had a black see threw fabric draped from her shoulders. She was wearing black high heels and a gold heart locket. Her hair was up in a curled ponytail and little droplet earring dangled. I stuttered, "I l-love yo-ou."
She smiled, "Thanks."

Time skip 45 minutesI walked in with Autumn to see Sublex standing inside

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Time skip 45 minutes
I walked in with Autumn to see Sublex standing inside. Sub sighed, "Dorl hasn't shown up yet. We got to wait."
Autumn giggled, "You think they are making out somewhere?"
I murmured to myself, "I wish we were."
Autumn turned rosy. Corl finally walked in, "Sorry, traffic. Reservation for Braden Welsh." We all walked to the table.

Autumn POV
Shape of You started playing and Sketch stared at me. I squirmed under his gaze. I sighed, "Sketch? Sketch please... Elijah?!"
He snapped out of it and looked at the menu. I ran my finger down the drink section. All that sounded appetizing was water. I did not drink. There was only alcoholic beverages that I recognized.
Everyone ordered they're food and beverage. I glanced at the door. I felt shocked, "Jairus and Chloe?!" My cousin with my school teaser. I stood up and Chloe looked at me. Everyone at the table looked confused. I walked to them, "Chloe who's this?"
Chloe smiled, "Jairus Freizen. Isn't he to die for."
I glanced at Jairus, "You treat my cousin right, alright. Hey have you seen Emily?"
Jairus' face brightened, "Emily... Your Autumn. Man, I missed you. Oh yeah. She asked about you."
"Do you have your phone, I want to text her sometime." I said pulling my phone from my purse.
He nodded and took out his phone. We traded numbers and old school friend numbers.
I turned and Sketch was inches away. Chloe smiled up at Jairus and Sketch asked, "Who's your friend?"
I rubbed his arm, "This is Chloe and Jairus. In other words, my cousin and old friend. This is my boyfriend, Sketch."
I thanked Jairus and sat down. Sketch calmed down, "Sketch, I won't cheat on you if that's what you thought."
Sketch shrugged, "I don't trust him."
I took a deep breath, "Sketch, he's a good boy."
Sketch snapped, "That's what Corl said about Biff."
I stood up, "I'm walking home. Enjoy your night."
I walked out. When I was out it was cold. The cold wind whipped at my arms and legs. My eyelashes turned frosty as the cold air froze my tears. I walked threw the city. It was lovely, but cold and lonely. Somebody pulled over and rolled their window down.
I knew her, "Need a ride home?"
I shook my head no. She sighed, "I remember you. Autumn it's Kaitlyn. Nathaniel's sister."
I sighed and got in. She asked, "Where do you live?"
I said coldly, "I don't want to go home."
Kaitlyn shrugged, "Nathaniel misses you. You can come over."
I nodded.

Time Skip The next Day Sketch POV
I felt guilty. Autumn disappeared. Sublex, Dorl, Ethan and me all looked everywhere. She just walked out and disappeared. Ethan sighed, "She could be anywhere."
Autumn walked out of a house and smiled, waving. She turned and walked the other way, not realizing us. I bolted to her. She looked at me a little surprised. Her and I said in sync, "I'm sorry."
We both giggled, Autumn started, "Im sorry for disappearing. I hope we can be friends."
My heart sank but I kept the smile on my face, "Yeah."
She smiled a little, "Look I have a date in an hour."
I swallowed hard, "Ok have fun." I turned and walked to the group.

Autumn POV
I walked away. When Sketch was out of eyeshot, I turned on my phone and cried. I hated lying. I texted Austin:

Autumn: I did it. Now leave them alone. 😭

Austin: We aren't done yet.

Autumn: What?!

Austin: You remember Joshua, no?

Autumn: Please. Don't do this.

Austin: Look up. 😉

I shot my eyes up, there stood a Filipino guy. Joshua. He helped me up and hugged me. I cried, Sketch turned the corner I pulled away, but he ran. I turned to Joshua, "I am so sorry. I got to call someone."
I angrily called Austin.
A- Autumn
At- Austin

At: Hello?

A: Your setting me up. (If you are sensitive to swears don't read Italics.) You Bitch I can't be left alone.

At: Haha. Funny. You figured it out. I thought you were dumb.

A: I'm going to tear YOU LIMB FROM LIMB.

At: Wrong timing. Turn around.

He hung up. I turned and saw police. I'm so dead. They handcuffed me and put me in the car. I was silent and didn't force. When the door opened I asked, "Please let me go to court and prove my innocence."
They nodded and dragged me to a waiting room. They gave me a phone, "Do you have a lawyer?"
I nodded, "May I call her?"
The policeman sighed, "Yes."
I called Kyra.

K: hello?

A: Kyra how are you up to proving me innocent.

K: give me 48 hours and evidence. I got your back.

A: thank goodness.

I hung up. They let me go. I had short shorts and a bra on at this point. I went to stop but the brakes didn't work. I slammed my hands on the steering wheel, "Damn it."

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