Chapter 29: Texting PT 1

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Third Person
(Since this is all texting I made abbreviations, A. Autumn E. Ethan S. Sketch D. Denis C. Corl Sb. Sub Ax. Alex B. Biff)
A. Hi Sketch.

S. Hi Autumn.

A. I see Ethan told you about our 'episode'.

S. Um yes are you alright, where are you?

A. I'm fine, ###### ####### ## ## ## ### ### #### #####, #######, ######. (Sry guys. This is an actual address so I tagged it.) I'm making group chat with Everyone.

S. K.

~Group Chat~
A. Hey guys.

S. How are you not being caught.

E. Different room than Austin. She in corner.

C. Oh God

D. Is she alright?

Sb. Autumn, what happened.

A. I'm fine.

E. Who's gonna say what happened.

Ax. I'm here.

B. He's treating you right-ish, right?

A. He certainly has less manners.

S. Oh God.

B. Is he at least trying to please you?

A. Um does smashing my head off the wall say romance to you?

Ax. That doesn't sound good.

D. That certainly doesn't sound pleasing.

Sb. Goodness.

E. I heard that bang on the wall

S. I am so sorry Autumn.

A. It not your fault.

C. He's been pacing.

E. Lol she was before

S. Who knew.

A. I suppose you guys want to know what happened.

Sb. Yes.

Ax. Please do.

D. We just want to help.

B. I shouldn't be here.

A. You've change.

C. Whenever your ready.

E. It's not a pretty story.

B. I'm betting I know where this goes.

A. Guess away.

B. He pulled you away by the waist and occasionally touched your butt. He led you to a room and kissed you. He pulled you closer and closer until you kissed back then pinned you against a wall. Kissed you down the neck then got upset that you weren't trying to get under his clothes. Then smashed your head and said something along the lines of, "Why won't you cooperate?"

A. What.

E. The.

S. Heck.

B. What?

A. You literally explained it perfectly.

E. You didn't say anything about his hand.

A. You think it's easy to talk.

C. Take me as an example. It not easy especially to your best friends.

A. Thank you!

D. How did Biff guess that?

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