Chapter Eight: Secrets.

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Corl POV
I told Denis, "I can't tell you Dingo. I just can't."
He sighed, "Why are you keeping secrets, Corl?"
I rubbed the back of my neck anxiously, "You'll know some of them when I'm ready."
"Ok Corl. Im going to record." he dragged him self out of my new room. I felt bad. I took a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote:

Secrets to tell Denis.
1. Biff's background.
2. My true feelings.
3. Why I hurt myself.
4. Why I have secrets.

Well this is going to be hard. I guess I'll do it tomorrow. I cut open a box. Or I could punish myself. I looked at the knife I was using. I slowly inched it toward my arm. Denis walked in, "I forgo- Corl?!"
He rushed and took away the knife. His eyes trailed off to my paper. He picked it up. "This is more important than my YouTube Channel. Braden, what's going on?"
I took a deep breath, "Denis, there you go. All my secrets."
He looked down, "Whenever your ready."
"Biff is abusive because he was abused. He was only letting out his anger. And that was how he was raised. I guess he wanted me for my happiness." I sat down and he sat down beside me, "Can we skip number 2 until the end?" He nodded.
"Denis, I'm stressed. I haven't posted in three days. I have secrets and... And." I started to cry.
Denis rubbed my back. "Shh don't cry."
"And I can't sleep without a murder in my head." I finished.
"What do you mean?" he scooted closer.
"Every night I always have Biff murder someone in my dream." I played with some string. Denis still glided his hand up and down my back.
"Im scared my secrets will ruin our friendship so I stack secrets on secrets to hide other secrets." I said confusing myself. Denis looked dizzy with confusion.
"Im scared that my original secrets will ruin our friendship so I put more secrets on my original secrets to hide all of my secrets." I said slower.
He smiled.
I could feel my cheeks burn. I could feel my heart drop as well as Denis' hand from my back. Denis was looking at me intently. I sighed, "Can I tell you some other day?" 
He smiled, "Sure."
He left and I fell asleep. I woke up several times.  Finally morning. I checked my clock, 9:48 AM! I jumped up. I could hear Denis recording. I walked downstairs and made some toast. I buttered the toast and did my hair. I ate the toast and put on my hoodie and shoes. Darn it my phone is upstairs. I started to run upstairs.
I bumped into smiling Denis, "Hi Din Din."
"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Denis asked, following me.
I grabbed my phone, "Alex's."
"Tell him I say hi." Denis said.
"Ok Dingo." I hugged him and ran out the door.  9:56 AM. Four minutes to run there. I sprinted until I could see Alex's house. 9:58 AM. I picked up all my energy and ran the fastest I've ever ran. 10:00 AM.
I knocked breathlessly. Alex opened it and raise an eyebrow. I explained, "I was running." He nodded and let me in.
I sat down beside him, "Do you like Denis?"
He shook his head "No. How about you?"
I gulped. "I do... Kinda like D-Denis."
He smiled, "Tell him."
I shook my head, "No, I can't."
He sighed, "Well. Is that all?"
I nodded, "Denis says hi."
He smiled, "Tell him I say hello."
I nodded and walked out the front door.

(This song comes into play later, but it ties in now a bit. Corl= Girl and Denis= Boy. Hope you enjoy!)

Corl POV
I was walking back from Alex' when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, Biff's friends. They all looked like they were angry. I went to run but one grabbed my wrist. They pulled me behind a building. They hit me over the head making the world spin. Then they tripped me, the impact made me pass out.
I woke up in a pool of blood. My leg was gnashed open and gushing blood. I scooting myself to a wall. I took out my phone and called Denis.

Denis: Hello?

Corl: Hi.

Denis: Are you ok?

Corl: Pick me up behind the Neon Cafe please.

Denis: Corl, what's going on?

Corl: You'll see. Just come here please.

Denis: Ok, see you soon.

Corl: Bye.

Denis POV
Corl had just called and told me to go to the Neon Cafe. I was driving in my car and I reached the Cafe. I went behind the building to see a pool of blood around Corl. "Braden!?" I felt alarmed.
Corl eyes fluttered open. I picked him up bridal style. He looked faint. I set him in my backseat and I drove into the hospital. I picked him up again bridal style. He closed his eyes and groaned. I opened the door the best I could and slipped in. He became limp.  He was unconscious.
I headed straight for the administration's desk. I soon sat down, he woke up on my lap. The nurses had wrapped his leg in a tensor bandage. He groaned and stuffed his face in my arm. Nurses came and took him away. Soon, he came back with stitches in his leg. He was limping but his face was full of pain.
"He ok?" I asked
"Just make sure he doesn't walk a lot." a nurse said handing me a note.
"Thanks." I said, picking him up in bridal style.
I walked out the door. Corl smiled a bit, "Denis, thank you."
"Your welcome." I smiled back. I set him down and he got into the car. I got into the car and started driving him home.
When we were half way home, Corl asked, "Denis?"

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