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Hi! This a request from LunaticFringe_Alex I want to make a disclaimer: this is in no way me trying to romanticize abuse in any way, if you or someone you know is being abused please call 1-800-799-7233. You are not alone. ❤️

You tried to hide it as best as you could. You tried to hide the black and purple bruises that covered your arms and even sometimes your face, but your best friend, dacre, knew better.

He saw how you'd pull down your sweater sleeve, he saw how you'd touch your face and makeup would come off on certain spots only, he just didn't know for sure if that's what was happening, he didn't think it was possible for someone to hurt an angel like you.

Today was the worst day you've had for a long time. You and your boyfriend got into a fight, about what you were wearing, like usual, and he attacked you.

He hit you right in the face, blood was coming from your nose and the corners of your lips. You knew if you didn't get out of there you'd be killed, so you ran, out of the door with your phone.

You ran far enough to where your boyfriend couldn't find you and you pulled your phone out, looking for dacres number and pressing it.

It only rang a few times before his low and smooth voice, that always brought you comfort, answered. "Hey, what's up?" He asked, oblivious.

"I need you to c-come get me. He-he hit me, harder than he's ever hit me before and I-I can't call the cops please, come get me." You sobbed, your voice coming out broken.

Anger boiled inside of him at the thought of someone hurting you, especially your shitty boyfriend. He wanted to make him hurt as much as he hurt you, but he knew he had to get you first, to help you, to make sure you were ok.

"I'll be there, hold on tight ok?" He said. You sniffled, and he knew you were most likely nodding. You slouched down on the corner of the street, crying and looking like an absolute wreck.

It wasn't long before you saw Dacre's car speeding down the street. He spotted you, and quickly drove over to you and stopped the car. He got out, a look of pure shock and anger, as well as sadness on his handsome features.

"Oh my god, y/n." He said, leaning down and examining your bloody face. "I'm gonna fucking kill him." Dacre said, rage forming on his face. "No, don't, not now." You said, your voice tired and weak.

His expression softened, and he softly stroked your wounded cheek. "I'm so sorry, oh my god I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this, you deserve the world." He said softly, tears forming in his blue eyes.

"Thankyou, I'm sorry I called you so late." You said. "No, don't apologize that's the least of my worries. Here, I got you." He said, extending his arms and picking you up, your weight halfway on him.

He carried you to the passengers side door easily, helping you in and buckling you, because you were unable to due to how weak you were, and shutting the door.

You heard a distant voice, and you turned your head towards the sound, as well as dacre, who was outside of the car. Your heart dropped to your stomach as you saw your boyfriend, a furious look on his rough face, coming straight for dacre.

You saw dacre clench his fists, and as soon as your boyfriend approached, he effortlessly swung and hit, landing a punch right into your boyfriend- well, exes, jaw.

Your eyes widened as dacre tackled him to the ground, relentlessly throwing punches. He only stopped when you rolled down your window. "Stop! We have to go! Not worth it." You said through a broken tone.

He wanted to hurt him more, he wanted to make him pay for what he did, but he knew you were right and the sound of your soft voice snapped him out of it, and melted his heart.

He stopped, standing up and wiping his knuckles on his pants before kicking the man on the ground, and walking to the car.

He got in, started the car and drove off. He could tell how tired and worn you were, and didn't want to force you to talk right now, so the ride was peaceful and silent until you got to his apartment.

He helped you up to his room, one of his strong arms around you keeping you upright. You made it to his room and he opened the door, both of you walking in before he closed the door.

He took you straight to the bathroom, setting you on the toilet seat. He grabbed a washcloth, soaking it in warm water and wringing it out before leaning down, and wiping away the blood on your face.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, as you winced while he was tending to the wounds. "I didn't want to burden you, you have your own life, I could've left, but I didn't. It's my fault." You said, a tear slipping from out of your eye and streaming down your cheek.

He paused, looking you in the eyes with an intent expression. He grabbed your hand in his, softly rubbing your knuckles. "Listen to me, it is not your fault in any way at all. It's never your fault and never will be because he manipulated you and used fear to control you, that's what abusers do and that's why you didn't leave. And your well being is never a burden, not to anyone and especially not to me. You are one of the most important people in my life and seeing you hurt made me realize just how important you are to me." He said, a tear streaming down his own cheek.

You felt your heart melt in your chest, and you softly wiped away his tear. "You're incredible, I don't know what I'd do without you." You said, honesty in your voice.

Your heart skipped a beat as he leaned in, cupping your cheek gently so he wouldn't hurt you, before pressing his soft, pink lips to yours. You felt waves of sweet electricity move through you. It felt right, it felt real and honest, and it felt like a kiss should feel. You knew that because the kisses you would share with your boyfriend felt toxic and full of spite. This was a genuine feeling deep in your heart.

You both softly broke apart, looking at each other in awe. "If I'm completely honest, I've loved you for a long time now, and I wish I could take all of your pain away, and prevent all of that from ever happening to you." He said, a genuine tone in his voice.

"You love me?" You asked, almost breathless. "I do." He replied. "I love you too dacre." You said with a soft smile. "I will protect you with all of my heart from now on. You'll never have to hurt again." He said, moving a piece of hair out from in front of your face.

You pressed your lips to his, not knowing how else to properly express how you felt for him in that moment, but it was as if your lips were speaking to him, and you didn't have to talk for him to know what you were saying.

You both spent the rest of the night together, he made sure your wounds were disinfected, and you took a hot shower before dressing in his comfortable clothes that he had given you and snuggling up to him on his large couch, watching movies of your choice.

You felt safe with him, you felt more love than you'd ever felt in your whole life for this man whom you'd called your best friend for three years, and he couldn't be happier to have you by his side. You realized that maybe the person you needed all along was him.

Hi! I hope that you guys all liked this imagine, and I hope that it made you realize that you should never blame yourself for someone who is manipulative and abusive, hurting you. You are strong and beautiful and worthy of love. Stay safe angels❤️-xx

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