You don't deserve to hurt-Billy hargrove

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This is also in no way me making light of abuse, this is simply the story line that I have chosen to go off of and if you or someone you know is being abused please call 1-800-799-7223

You sat on the bed belonging to your boyfriend billy. The thing about billy was that to everyone else he used to act spiteful, and acted completely volatile, but with you it was different.

You helped him out of a really dark place and showed him he didn't have to be so damn mean all the time, and he admired you for that. You made him feel like he didn't have to put up such a big wall.

You watched him, fixing his hair in the mirror that he treated like his baby, and applying cologne to his wrists. "You look cute babes, but you might just think you're more attractive than I am." You said in a joking tone, giggling as you twiddled your fingers.

He rolled his eyes, a smile on his face as he turned and said "Believe me doll face, you're the sexy one." A smile grew on your face as he walked over, leaning down and placing a soft hut firm kiss on your lips.

He wasn't usually a soft man, but something about you made him that way. He didn't want to be mean, or bad when he was around you. He wanted to just be himself, real and open and he wanted to treat people the way you did, with an open heart.

He broke apart, about to sit down before you heard a loud banging on the door. A grimace grew on his face as he walked to the door, swinging it open to reveal his father and his step sisters mother.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Why don't you tell us?" His father said sternly. "Because I don't know." Billy replied with an annoyed tone. "We can't find Maxine." His step mother replied with a soft, worried voice. "And her windows open." His father added.

Billy looked around for a moment. "Where is she?" His father asked, authority in his tone. "I don't know." Billy replied, genuinely not knowing where she was. "You don't know." His father said back, a sense of sarcastic anger on his face, a laugh escaping his lips.

"Look I'm sure she just, I don't know, went to the arcade or something, i'm sure she's fine." Billy said, walking over to his closet and pulling out a leather jacket to put on. His father wiped his mouth, aggravation in his movements.

"You are supposed to watch her." He said to his son. Billy sighed, putting the jacket on his toned figure. "I know dad, I was, it's just you guys were three hours late, i'm sorry ok." He said, already getting annoyed at his fathers persistence.

"So that's why you've been staring at yourself in the mirror? You should have been watching your sister." His father said spitefully. "I have been looking after her all week dad, ok she wants to run off then that's her problem alright?! She's 13 years old she shouldn't need a full time baby sitter." Billy said, anger rising in him making you sit up straight.

"And she's not my sister!" He said. 'Fuck, don't say that' you thought, knowing it would provoke his father, you just didn't realize how much it would provoke him, and before you knew it, his father lunged at him, pushing billy up against the shelves behind him, making you gasp with fear.

His face stayed in a firm line as his father glared at him like a hyena. "What did we talk about?" His father said, lowly and angrily making chills run up your spine. Suddenly a hard strike, making a noise echo through the room, hit billy on his cheek. You screamed out, standing up, his step mother turning away with a wince.

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