Fake boyfriend

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Hi! This is a request from Hambaby ps. I want everyone to know that even if it's requested, I still write it myself (obv) and put thought into it, just didn't want anyone getting tired of seeing that these are requests! Thankyou all💕
•Minor mention of drugs

Walking through the streets of L.A was intriguing and confusing at the same time, you'd look over and see people dressed the The T in the expensive clothing, or you'd see someone dressed in skinny jeans and a tank top like you.

The sun was shining and it was a seemingly peaceful day, everyone chattering with their friends or eating together, conversing about different things.

You could almost hear birds chirping over the sound of cars and people, just almost though. Your boot clad feet thudded against the pavement as you walked, your bag slung across your chest.

You looked to your left, and looked forward, but did a double take. You felt your heart drop in your chest, the feeling of panicked rising in you.

It was your ex boyfriend, who you thought was in prison. He had gotten busted for sneaking coacaine across the border a year ago, and he was honestly very mean and didn't treat you well at all.

You had paid someone to tell him 'news' that you had passed away in a car accident, because you could NOT pay a 15,000 dollar bail, and didn't want to. He was a horrible, nasty person and you had no desire to continue things with him, and he deserved to be put in jail.

But here you were, seeing him across the street to the left of you, searching around, his hand covering his eyes so he could see through the bright sun shining down.

You panicked, anxiety rushed towards you, and you thought of a very stupid idea, but nothing could be worse than him potentially seeing you alone.

You looked around, and ran to the first male you saw, and your heart jumped in your chest for a moment as you scanned over his look for a second.

He was taller than you, golden hair swept to the side, his clearly toned body was adorned with a white button up shirt, the buttons undone at the collar and down the chest a bit, as well as a pair of fitted jeans on his lower half.

You couldn't take it back now, because you had already tapped him on the shoulder. He turned, a confused look on his face before his mesmerizing blue yes found your frantic ones.

"Hi, this is going to sound weird and really strange but my ex boyfriend, I guess he got out of jail and he's right across the street, I'm scared and don't know what to do. I'd really appreciate it if you'd pretend to be my boyfriend for a moment incase he sees me." You said, your stomach in your throat at this point from fear, and also because of the gorgeous man in front of you.

He took what you said in, and looked as though he was processing it. Your eyes widened in surprise as his large and warm hand grasped yours quickly, intertwining your fingers.

"Where is this guy?" He asked, looking around him. "Over there." You said, still looking at him, too scared to turn around. "Is it the one with the face tattoo?" He asked, and It wasn't until now that you noticed he had an accent.

"Oh god." You said, with fear stricken eyes. "Don't worry, he's not gonna hurt you." He said with a comforting voice. He wasn't quite sure why he had agreed to help you, it was kind of a weird situation, but something about you made him want to help you.

He took one look into your eyes and he felt the fear radiating off of you, he had to help you, and you were quite beautiful if he was honest, not that that's the only reason he helped you.

You grasped his hand harder as you turned around, your ex boyfriend stepping right in front of you, an angry look on his eye.

"So you left me, faked your death, didn't bother paying bail, and hooked up with a pretty boy? Knew you were shit when I met you." He spat, and you swallowed hard.

"Hey, lay off. You obviously didn't make some good choices, and it seems as though the time you spent, wherever, didn't do too well in teaching you a lesson, and maybe the fact that she had to fake her death because of fear, proves what kind of person you are. Leave her alone." The blue eyed boy said, his jaw clenched and eyes shooting daggers into your ex boyfriend.

"You two are cute, don't fuck her just yet though, she might leave you, skanks always leave when the going gets tough huh y/n?" Your ex said, coming closer.

The blue eyed boy stepped in front of your body, heat radiating from him. "Don't talk about her like she's a dog, I don't blame her for leaving you. You're obviously a pig who doesn't respect anyone let anyone women, so fuck off." He said, a serious and warning tone in his smooth voice.

Your ex chuckled, backing away. He was a lot smaller than the blonde boy in front of you after all. "I'll let you off, I'll find someone of my own, great seeing you baby." He said, his voice dripping with mockery as he walked away.

You hadn't realized you had practically been holding your breath the entire time, and you finally let out a breath. You turned to the boy, who had turned to face you. You felt a hot tear stream down your cheek, you were overwhelmed.

"Hey, it's alright, you're alright, he's not gonna bother you." The boy said in a calming voice, wiping away your tear and rubbing your shoulder softly. "My names Dacre by the way." He said, the same calming tone in his voice.

Your glossy eyes looked up at him, and he felt his heart melt right there. "Mines y/n, but you probably know that already." You said with a laugh, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand.

"If you aren't too busy, I'd like to buy you lunch, since I am your boyfriend now and all." He said in a sarcastic tone, making you chuckle. "I'd like that very much, boyfriend whom I have just met." You said in the same sarcastic tone, making him let out a laugh that made your heart flutter.

You two did just that, getting lunch and conversing. Turns out Dacre was exactly someone you'd be interested in, and he felt the same way. It's funny how fate brings two people together, but you both couldn't be happier about it.

Hi! I loved writing this and I hope the requester, as well as everyone else enjoyed this, and I hope it wasn't trash lmao Thankyou all for the support lovelies❤️-xx

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