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This was an adorable request from Hambaby I hope they, as well as everyone else enjoys this fluff💕

"So is your girlfriend y/n happy about your success? And was she supportive through the process?" The interviewer asked

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"So is your girlfriend y/n happy about your success? And was she supportive through the process?" The interviewer asked.

"Yes, i'm very grateful for her, she's been one of my biggest supports since day one." He said with a smile, his heart feeling full at the thought of you.

"Did she do anything special for you when she found out you got the role? Any cake?" The interviewer asked.

Dacre smiled at the fond memory. "Yes, she actually did get me a cake, and she threw this wonderful surprise party with all of my friends, and some of my family, she's just incredible." He said, not being used to talking so much about his relationship in public but not caring because of how much he loved talking about you.

"How did she react to you playing such a cruel character? And did she help you through the moments you were down about playing Billy? If there were any of those moments of course." The interviewer asked.

"Well she was definitely surprised, and taken aback, but nonetheless loved it, she actually cried on a certain scene and came in the room all emotional, it was funny and adorable at the same time. And yea there were moments where I felt very weird and outside of myself playing Billy because he's so different from me, and she was always there to pick me up and tell me that everything's going to be ok. It's not often you find someone that clicks with you in every way and that really guides you through life and moments in general, but I genuinely don't know where I'd be without her." He said, pure honesty in his words as he spoke.

"So I know from Instagram, hers mostly, that guys do lots of cute couple stuff together, what's one of the most romantic things you've done together?" The interviewer asked.

Dacre smiled, bringing his finger up to his bottom lip, swiping it as he thought for a moment. "Well, a couple months ago I took her to Australia and we visited my family, mate, she was so happy when she heard I was taking her, she freaked out and cried and it was the cutest thing, and it gives you this overwhelming sense of happiness to know someone you love so much is so excited to go see your home town and see the places you've been as well as see your family. That's probably one of the most romantic things we've done." He said with a bright smile, unable to hide it as he thought back to the time.

Before he met you, he usually wasn't quite fond of personal questions, but he didn't care now. He was madly and irrevocably in love with you and he didn't care if he gushed about you, you deserved to have someone scream from the rooftops saying how much they love you.

He wished you were here with him more than anything, and he couldn't wait to get back home to you and hold you in his arms, the two of you outside watching the sunset together. You were his headache, and his heartache, in the best way possible, but most of all you were the love of his life.

I hope the requester, as well as everyone else enjoyed this! I love fluff, and I'm so appreciative of you guys and all the support you've shown this book!❤️

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