Chapter 10 - Thanksgiving with the Hudsons

Start from the beginning

Carole even let me buy a few outfits to last me throughout the pregnancy. I was very fortunate with how generous she had been to me, especially since I didn't deserve it. We walked out of the store and headed back to the Hudson home.

Tomorrow was Thanksgiving. I was nervous about being at Finn's aunt's house. Sure Carole and Finn had been so gracious towards me. I just didn't know how his relatives would react to Finn bringing his pregnant girlfriend to Thanksgiving dinner. I tried to silence those doubts in my mind but all I could think about was my parents disapproving voice ringing in my head.

"16 and Pregnant. I can't believe what passes for TV shows these days," my dad muttered shaking his head. "Are they going to glorify these girls who didn't have enough respect for themselves?" he said upset. "I know dear," my mom agreed "Thank goodness we don't have to worry about this with Quinnie. We've raised her right. She's not going to end up like one of those girls." "I should hope not. No daughter of mine will be parading around TV acting like that," my dad huffed.

I had overheard their conversation that summer shortly after I had made my mistake with Puck. 16 and Pregnant had been the new hit MTV show everyone was raving about. My parents being devoted Christians did not approve.

Looking back at that now I couldn't help but think about how many people I had disappointed by the one mistake I had made that night. I already got plenty of judgement at school, disapproving looks from teachers and students alike. Whenever someone new found out about my pregnancy, I couldn't help but worry what they thought of me. Fear consumed me as I slept that night, hoping the Thanksgiving dinner wouldn't turn into a fight.

I got myself ready early that morning as I pinned my hair back with a barrett like I normally did. I used a black one to match the dress. I curled my hair slightly to give it more body as I headed downstairs.

"Don't you look beautiful," Finn grinned as hugged me. "Thank you," I smiled back hugging him. "Happy Thanksgiving," Finn smiled. "Happy Thanksgiving," I said as I got out of the hug. "Finn," Carole called as Finn turned around "Go get...oh she's up. Happy Thanksgiving Quinn." Carole smiled as she hugged me. "Happy Thanksgiving," I smiled hugging her back. We then broke apart. "Do you want some breakfast while you watch the parade? I usually make pancakes," Carole offered. "That sounds great. Thank you," I smiled as I sat next to Finn on the couch.

The parade was full of great performances but there was one that captivated me by Katharine McPhee. She sang her single "Had It All" and I couldn't help but relate it to what I was going through, especially since once Finn found out the truth I really was going to lose it all.

Why'd I have to go and be a fool again? Why'd I have to go and make a big thing outta nothing? I had it all I threw it all aside thinkin' there was more there I needed to find. I had it all baby to give it away. Blue skies sunshine and butterflies those were the conditions that I left behind. Why did I let it go to waste? Why did I believe that a little voice led me down the path to this bad choice? Why don't I listen to the angels when they sing oh yeah they sing. Oh yeah. I had it all I threw it all aside thinkin' there was more there I needed to find. I had it all baby to give it away. Why'd I have to go and be a fool again?

Finn and I ate our pancakes and waited for the parade to end before heading out to his Aunt Ella's place. I got ready putting on my blue coat nervously. As we got in Carole's car I hear her whispered something to Finn as he tried to sit up in the front with her. Finn then backtracked and sat with me in the back seat.

I stared out the window, barely noticing him there. It wasn't until I heard his voice that I realized he had sat beside me. "Are you okay Quinn?" Finn asked worried about me. I turned around and forced a smile. "Of course I'm fine," I said plainly before adding "Just nervous about what your relatives will think of me is all."

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