Chapter 9 - I'm Keeping My Baby?

Start from the beginning

Mr. Schue laughed as he turned around to see the guys with the wigs on "Looking good guys," he smiled as the guys all seemed into their new looks with the wigs. We began rehearsing a mashup of 'Hair' and 'Crazy in Love'. We sounded alright but the hair was a little bit ridiculous. Mr. Schue apparently wanted us to use 'hairography' which honestly didn't seem to be helping out. Sure it enhanced the performance a bit with us dancing around but we were better than this lesson, or so I thought.

"So that hairography lesson is pretty cool," Finn beamed a bit as we walked to his car. "Finn," I said shaking my head. "What?" he asked. "I think it's a bit ridiculous, don't you?" I replied. "Not really," he said "I mean those Jane Addams girls had it in their performance and I think it helped them." "Is that what this is about?" I said stopping in my place "You wanting us girls to be more like them." "No...not at all," Finn frowned a bit. "I should've known that was why all you guys were pumped about the lesson," I muttered annoyed as I stormed into Finn's car. "Quinn..." he called as he got in after me. "Look, I'm sorry that you're upset about this but I think it'll help us do better." "Well I do," I snapped facing away from him. It was silent in the car as Finn and I just sat there for awhile. "Just drive," I huffed as Finn then took me home where we went through a few days of barely speaking.

Finn and I barely interacted much at school which made me able to spend more time with Puck. "Hey I got you something," Puck grinned as he handed me a book called 'How to Raise a Baby on Five Dollars a Day'. I smiled at him "Thank you," "Saw it in a bookstore. Figured I'd steal it for you. You know, in case you change your mind and decide you want to keep it," Puck smiled. "That is so sweet," I smiled back at him "To be honest, I really don't know what I'm going to do about it anymore. My mind's pretty messed up about everything." I admitted for the first time. "Well, whatever you decide," he said looking me in the eyes "No pressure." I couldn't help but smile as Puck entered his classroom that we had been walking to.

Puck had made me realize that what I needed more than anything else right now even more than looser pants was acceptance. Maybe it wasn't that I didn't want to keep the baby. Maybe I just didn't want to keep the baby with Finn. Maybe I didn't give Puck enough of a chance. He is the real father after all. I knew I couldn't just start spending a ton of time with Puck, sure we talked in between classes and sometimes at lunch since Finn and I had been fighting but after Finn caught us baking cupcakes together he didn't seem to want us to spend a lot of time together.

I knew I had to come up with a plan, a distraction for Finn so I could take Puck for a test drive. I glanced over at Rachel. He had been interested in her at one point right? I never got the appeal, she dressed like a five year old. Then it hit me, she might need a little bit of make-up. Just something to spruce her up and make Finn interested in hanging out with her for a night. It was then it hit me, Kurt, he was so fashion forward. He would know exactly what to do to make Rachel look more desireable. I decided that I would talk to him after Glee Club practice.

As the bell rang I ran after Kurt. "Hey, Kurt, can I pick your pink brain for a second?" I asked catching up to him. "Why hello, Quinn. To what do I owe the honor? I do believe this is the first time you've ever spoken to me," Kurt said intrigued by the fact that I spoke to him for the first time. "I'm sorry about that," I apologized halfheartedly "Anyways, I have a proposition to make: A makeover." "I'm in!" Kurt jumped in excitedly "Makeovers are like crack to me." "Uh-huh," I smiled. "My suggestion...Spanx. Or a double-knit camisole with a control top for the baby bump. Also, babydoll dresses–dead giveaway," Kurt said. "Not for me, for Rachel," I said shaking my head as we approached Rachel's locker. Kurt laughed "Why would I want to do that?" he shook his head "I admit I like a challenge as much as the next guy, but Rachel somehow manages to dress like a grandmother and a toddler at the same time." "My point exactly. You're as concerned about the glee club succeeding as I am, and she's a distraction," I said as I then pointed out what she was wearing to Kurt "Look at her. She's wearing a pantsuit."

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