Chapter 2: Partying Atop Graves

Start from the beginning

Louis held the cold, shaped handles of the wooden Church doors. He gripped them tight, his stomach and thoughts in a flurry also. Looking back at his friends, a smile spread across his face.

"I want you guys to live every minute of tonight like it was your last, because you never know what will happen tomorrow."

They all nodded, muttering their approval and willingness to follow his order. Pulling on his Spider-Man mask, sure that they will do what he asked them to, Louis opened the door with 2 hands. As the inside was reveal, the boys couldn't hold back exuberant smiles, or bouncing in happiness.

Inside the stone walls, were hundreds of guesting bodies. They moved like ghost and ghouls beneath the strobing, coloured lights from the roof. The loud music was being controlled by a DJ to their right, bobbing his head to the sound of the bass-heavy music. To their left, a bar filled with sparkling alcoholic drinks of all kinds were pilled pleasingly against the wall.

"Did I do good lads?" Louis inquired, snapping the guys from their staring.

"Oh yeah!" Zayn laughed, pushing past Louis and into the crowd.

Confidence and excitement growing, they all moved into the building. Wide smiles were a permanent fixture to their faces, as the explored through the expansive building.

"C'mon lads!" Louis waved through the crowd, a few girls sharing 'OMG!' looks.

The boys followed their apparent leader towards the bar, where a few people sat, drinking alone or in couples, flirting. Pushing through the tightly pressed crowd was a tedious task, but they were too excited to care very much. As they reached the bar, Louis stood coolly leaned against it.

"What do you guys want?"

"Cowboy shots!" Harry shouted. "I bet you can't beat me again Louis!"

Never able to fight back a challenge, Louis quickly pulled up a chair by Harry. Looking up at the bartender, he started a tab and the man poured their first small glasses. Both Louis and Harry were giddy, already, with excitement. They didn't often get to do things like that, in gear of what Management would think.

But now, management was the last thing in their mind.

"1, 2, 3!" Harry and Louis both downed the glasses contents, Louis cringing slightly.

More glasses were placed in front of them, but slightly dizzied Louis didn't pick up his.

"You whimping out already, Boo?"

Louis shook his head. "NO WAY CURLY, EAT MY DUST!!"

Louis, again, gulped down another shot glass full of the liquid. A dizzy feeling began to seep into them, as they continued to repeat this process over and over.

Beside them, Niall and Liam talked and joked together, an icy cool beverage in hand. Niall wasn't a good drinker, so Liam usually stuck around him at parties to make sure he didn't over do it, as he almost always did. He was the overly-happy type of drunk that caused trouble and always ended up doing something stupid.

Zayn, on the other hand, was pressed against a wall with a girl. As he whispered into her ear, she would giggle and slowly edge closer. She was beautiful, smart; the perfect girl for Zayn, even if only for a night. Him and the girl both held matching cups of beer. She wore a tight black dress, his favorite, and worked as a model. Her luxurious jet black hair fell down her chest, and edged where Zayn had his hands sliding against the tight material covering her hips. His dark eyes gazed into hers, brown and shimmering.

"How did a lovely girl like you, end up here tonight?"

She giggled, hiding a smile.

"Things happen... I came with friends but they all left to score with some Russian asses." she said in a slightly irritated tone.

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