Little Ghosts.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

"Boys, that was fucking amazing!" I shouted as we ran off stage after a highly successful show.

We had been on top form these last two weeks, I didn't like to assume, but I was putting it down to the fact that Roger and John were, sadly, no longer together. It had been awful for the both of them, but to put it bluntly, without them having the strain and the stress of a broken relationship weighing on their shoulders, things were beginning to get back to normal, and that included the hard work put into practises and performances, meaning, they were no longer putting Queen to the side and focusing on their misery. Now the misery was no longer there, the effort put into Queen had returned, and we were sounding better than ever.

But saying that, the sadness hadn't completely gone. Of course it hadn't, and I was understanding enough to realise that it wouldn't just disappear at the click of the fingers. They had broken up for goodness sake, of course they were still going to be low, but I was incredibly proud of the both of them.

They were trying hard to be normal around each other, although, normal to them had been a relationship, to take things a step back and start a friendship again after all this time was going to be tough.

I could sympathise. I'd had my heart broken many times and knew just how painful it was. I wasn't going to be the one to shake them and tell them to get a grip.

I knew too well how they were feeling, a constant, dull, empty feeling in the pit of your stomach, one that only grows stronger every time you see them, which is going to be difficult for them as they see each other everyday. It was easier for me, I could cut ties with all my ex lovers so easily, but those two lived together and worked together. They had to speak and be civil to each other.

Admittedly, I do still look at them and wonder where it all went wrong, well, apart from the fact that Roger completely screwed Deaky over, but beside that, I honestly thought I was going to have to buy a hat for their wedding.

But unfortunately my matchmaking skills had failed me this time and my hard work paid off, but only for a short while.

I was confident that they would both come out of this stronger and more slutty than ever. I was there to show them the ropes.

They will both find somebody who treats them right one day, but I wouldn't ever put it past them to never get back together again, I mean, they still look at each other with stars in their eyes.

"Absolutely flawless, the lot of you! I could kiss you all." I paraded, dramatically, catching a towel that was thrown at me and dabbing at my sweaty face.

I was on a dangerous high, I felt like I could celebrate all night long. It made a change to feel like this after a show, rather than cause a storm by throwing a tantrum.

I ruffled the blondes hair as I passed him, "And did fucking great." I winked, earning a grin from him, it was nice to see Roger smiling again.

It was nice to have them both smiling and back in our lives again, rather than floating in and out like little ghosts, there, but never really seeing them, the band was properly back together now, I had all my best friends back and touring was becoming bearable again.

They were slowly getting over it already, I could tell. I think it helped that the both of them knew deep down weeks ago that this was going to happen, and although it upset them both deeply, it had prepared them a little for what was to come.

"Well, you can kiss me, if you like." I felt hands grab my waist and spin me round, making me squeal.

I looked up at the face of Mr Brian May, also known as my fit as fuck boyfriend, but only I can call him that latter name.

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