Everything Was Gone.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

Going to bed with a smile on my face wasn't something I was used to, but last night, I had the cheesiest grin. Fighting back giggles once I pulled the duvet up to my face, not being able to do anything but replay the date in my head.

In all honesty, I thought everything was going to go tits up when Charlie turned up here, but it went smoothly, there was no arguing...and I even got a kiss out of it.

Not just a kiss. But the kiss. My first kiss.

Alright, Brian had pecked me on the lips the night my knee got torn to smithereens but that wasn't a proper kiss, not like the one...two...that he gave me last night.

They were perfect. They were not even full blown snogs either, yet they were still blissful. Even though I was still cringing a little knowing I was absolutely pants at kissing him back.

I'd learn if he let me practice on him.

But after all these years of fantasising about kissing those lips I used to obsessively stare at and never think I'd get the chance...I did. It was a tidal wave of realisation that fuckinghell, this was happening and it wasn't just another fixture of my imagination.

That was real.

It was like some kind of film. Especially when the only real thing keeping us apart right now was the wall between our bedrooms. Even right now I was stood trying to see through it.

But in some sense it was back to reality, we had to go into the studio today, I was reluctant, there wasn't much we could do without Roger and John but I'm sure we'd find something. But I was hoping we wouldn't start acting awkward around each other just because we were alone and not on a date, I hoped the atmosphere would be the same as it would be if we were on a date.

Throwing on some jeans and a casual shirt I tamed my hair and ventured down the stairs to get some quick breakfast, getting jittery butterflies in my stomach when I thought about seeing him, but when I walked into the kitchen, he wasn't there, he must not be up yet.

Eyeing up the many empty beer and wine bottles that we had not bothered to clear away last night made me smile, the slightly dirty conversations we had were somewhat exhilarating. We spilt a few naughty secrets.

I gathered up the bottles to take them outside to the recycling bin we had in the back garden, dropping them in one by one. It was actually quite warm out, the sun shining made me realise that the back garden really needed some seeing to, it hadn't really been looked after since we moved in, but I didn't have a fucking clue when it came to gardening. Maybe it was something we all should have a go at.

I walked back in, flicking on the kettle and getting mine and Brians mug out to make tea.

Pouring myself a bowl of cereal and munching on that at the same time.

I switched on the little radio we had in the kitchen, some chart show or other, not being snobby but I really didn't reckon much to what was in the charts at the moment, I was more looking forward to when the songs from our new album will be played.

Although, when one of those terribly overplayed songs came on I couldn't help but hum along whilst I stirred the tea.

"Alright, Tea Maker?" A voice suddenly said and a hand ruffled the back of my hair.

"I think I'm the only one who knows how to bloody make tea around here." I answered sarcastically, sliding over the tea to Brian who was chuckling away to himself, looking in the fridge.

He closed the fridge door and eyed up my cereal, I grabbed it quick, "Hands off. It's mine." I pretended to scowl at him and started to eat the rest of it.

Body Language. QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora