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Freddie's P.O.V.

He looked hesitant but there was that glint in his eye that was stopping his expression being a solid no.

I wasn't actually going to get naked but I did need help in washing. And he seemed to have this motherly love about him, wanting to help with everything and do anything for me.

He was a star, I wondered if this attitude would keep up once I was out of the cast or if things would go back to normal and we'd start fighting again.

"Alright...I'll help..." he smiled bashfully and stood up.

I was shocked, grabbing my crutches and struggling to my feet, I had to battle back a naughty smile at the thought of getting partially naked in front of Brian and having him touch me...even if it was with a sponge and he was washing me down but either way, one can imagine it was more of a blissful scene rather than it being the reality of him helping an unable, fragile as fuck failure.

"I'm behind you. But don't fall because I probably won't be able to hold you up anyway." The guitarist chuntered as he helped me up the stairs.

"Thanks a lot, Brian. Are you calling me fat now?" I joked.

"Like a fucking whale." He chortled.

"Watch your mouth or this crutch will  be up your arse." I waved it at him playfully.

He pushed me up the last stair with his hands lifting me slightly at my waist, I was always surprised by his strength as he never really used it.

I felt a blush on my cheeks as before his hands left me, they gave me a gentle squeeze.

"Get yourself into the bathroom, I'll get your pyjamas." He said.

"Darling, I don't own pyjamas." I giggled.

"Oh yeah, forgot your slept in the buff." He giggled, "What do you want then?"

Brian, I want this cast off my leg so I could shove you into my bed and fuck you relentlessly.

"Just something comfortable, you'll find something." I shrugged, opting for a more sensible answer.

I struggled into the bathroom and perched myself on the edge of the bath, propping up my crutches I decided to try and wriggle out of my clothes, easily being able to lift off the jumper from my top half but loosing my temper when trying to get off my trousers over the fucking massive pot on my leg which spanned right from the top of my thigh to my ankle.

"Are these okay?" Brian finally shuffled in and held up a loose long sleeved top and equally loose jogging bottoms.

A combination I wouldn't be seen dead in.

"Yes, they'll do." I shrugged.

"Here, let me help." He crouched down in front of me.

I watched as his head was tantalisingly close to my crotch which made me tingle all over.

I tore my eyes away with gritted teeth, I was doing nothing but teasing myself with all these scenes I had been creating in my head.

He tugged off the trousers I was wearing and left me sat in nothing but underwear. He ran a sink full of soapy water and drenched a sponge in it.

He handed it to me, "You can do your top half, right?" He chuckled, knowing I was milking it a bit and was pretending to be less able that I actually was.

I took it from him, "Oh, I suppose so." I playfully groaned, beginning to rub down my chest, and arms.

He leaned against the wall in front of me, the whole day I had been replaying in my head the moment he kissed was still a huge shock to me and wasn't entirely sure that he meant it. I wanted to talk about it...

I wanted him to do it again, I was craving it. I wanted to kiss him back this time. But wasn't sure if he wanted to do it in the first place, I still felt like he just did it to shut me up moaning.

"Be a darling and scrub my back?" I smiled at him sweetly.

He put his hand out and I gave him the sponge, he submerged it in the water again.

"Turn around." He instructed.

"I can't..." I waved my hands about.

"Oh good god." He whispered, giggling as he climbed into the empty bath so that he was now behind me.

I relaxed and closed my eyes when he began to rub down my back, it was almost like a massage.

And then I had a sudden urge to ask him.

Maybe because of the simplicity of not being able to see his face and him not being able to see mine, it made me feel a little more brave...

"So..." I began.

"So..." he copied.

"Did you mean it?" I asked quickly, cringing and regretting it straight afterwards.

"Mean what?" He asked, casually.

Dug yourself a hole here, Freddie.

"The...kiss..." I whispered.

I felt the sponge stop moving on my back and there was a short silence, it resumed its motion, "What do you think?"

"I don't know...that's why I'm asking." I swallowed. "I-I feel like it was a ploy to shut me up..." I admitted.

"It was..." he answered.

My heart sank.

"To stop you from thinking I was full of shit. So it was to shut you up, from saying that you didn't believe me."

My eyes widened as my heart rose back up, " meant it?" I asked, quietly.

He rubbed the sponge on the back of my neck making me shiver and get goosebumps all over my skin.

"Yes..." he began, "I meant was real."

If he didn't climb back out of the breath I would have broken into a silly, huge grin. A little giggle did escape but I didn't want to celebrate too much and make him think I was some kind of freak.
After rinsing out the sponge he crouched in front of me and kindly washed down my good leg.

"H-how do you wanna..." he waved his hand awkwardly in the direction of my underwear.

"Well...I should probably change into clean ones...just...I can't quite get out of them..." I glanced up at him with a naughty glint in my eye.

He refused to make eye contact with me what with this deep Crimson blush on his cheeks.

"I don't want to-"

"I know." I cut him off..."But you need to!"

He looked uncomfortable.

"Turn off the light." I ordered.


"Turn it off...I know you don't want to see so..." I shrugged.

He flicked off the light.

"I can wriggle out of them but I just can't get them over this fucking thing." I struggled, feeling very embarrassed indeed the Brian was having to help me out of my fucking boxers. I eventually got them down far enough.

"Give me your hands." I reached out for them.

We both ended up chuckling as we couldn't find each other in the dark.

I finally managed to place his hands where I had gotten my boxers so he could pull them the rest of the way down.

"Now what?" He laughed.

"Pass me the sponge." We were laughing far too much and nothing in particular was funny, maybe it was nerves making us strange or just the weird situation.

I quickly washed, "Okay, now put my leg in the jogging bottoms."

And thank fuck the light was out, because I was currently sporting a guilty hard on what with being naked in front of Brian and his hands and face being dangerously close to my cock.

"Okay, okay...I'm decent." I sang, having finally covered myself up with the clean trousers.

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