I Want You To.

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Roger's P.O.V.

There was a moment where I noticed I was now naked and he was on top of me with his face millimetres from mine did everything stop and we just looked into each other's eyes for a matter of seconds.

It wasn't such a romantic gesture, more of a split second where we both tried to figure out what was going to happen next, I questioned what to do to him and most likely he guessed what I'd want him to do to me.

And even though he would be correct with the guessing of a handjob or blowjob, there was something I wanted a lot more.

But I couldn't dwell for too long in imagining what it would be like to be inside of him because no sooner had our actions stopped, they continued, rougher than before.

It wasn't like we were new to pleasuring each other anymore, there was no need to take things slow, make things sickly sweet and be polite about it, we'd rather get down to the dirty as soon as possible. If that meant ripping off our own clothes to save time rather then undressing each other then so be it, it was the good stuff we focused on the most.

There were no is that okay questions anymore, we had learned quickly what we liked and now, having learnt that aspect, I wanted to learn and discover how to pleasure him even more.

I felt his lips crash hungrily onto mine, knocking me backwards so my head was on the pillow and he scrambled further forward so he was straddling me, I winced in pleasure and took his bottom lip between my teeth when he started to grind on my hard cock.

I resumed kissing him, propping myself up on my elbows, I didn't want him to think he had total control over me already, I wanted to try my luck in dominating him for a change.

Struggling to sit up with him still straddling my lap and making fine work in teasing me I managed it...just.

Deaky had a habit of making me look at him in the eyes whilst he tortured me, apparently he liked to watch my facial expressions, it was slightly embarrassing, it made me feel vulnerable, but when caught up in the moment...I didn't care.

"Look at me..." he growled, tilting my head up as he was higher than I was still straddling my lap.

I swallowed hard, taking a deep, shaky breath in and did as he said, my vision hazy as his hips continued to rock back and forth, grinding on me perfectly.

Leaning back with my weight on my hands I tried so hard to keep eye contact but with tiny waves of pleasure bolting through me, my eyes sometimes squeezed closed whilst I gritted my teeth and then I relaxed again with a hanging jaw and misty vision.

But soon my eyes wandered down to his cock still in those fucking boxers.

The movements of his hips were somewhat of a turn on and a hand instantaneously grabbed his erection, my fingers wrapping themselves around his width.

And then he stopped moving with a little yelp.

I looked up to see his head tipped back and his eyes closed, I started to stroke him and watched his lips purse and heard a wobbly breath exhale.

I sat up again, his eyes drifting open, I put my hands on his shoulders and quickly span us around.

Much to his dismay, I was now on top, right where I wanted to be.

He looked up at me, not looking amused. I knelt at his feet, "You have to let me have a go at being in charge, you know. You can't always get me naked and then stay clothed yourself." I muttered, all whilst bending his legs at the knee, making him lift his waist up and finally slipping those poxy little boxers off of his body, revealing what I was hungry for.

I crawled over his body slowly until my face was directly over his, "Now, it's my turn." I whispered, kissing him once on the lips before letting that same hand grab his now naked cock.

I travelled down his body and licked his tip quickly, his body jolted and his fingers already began gripping at my hair.

I chuckled, before taking him all the way down my throat.

"Mmm-!" A strangled cry left him as he wriggled and writhed beneath me.

I took him out of my mouth and looked up at him, "What's the matter?" I smirked.

He shook his head quickly and pushed my head back down to his cock, having to keep back a smile as I knew I had him wrapped around my little finger already.

Gripping his shaft with my hand and working on his tip with my tongue I felt myself throbbing and begging for attention.

He was an orchestra of moans, groans, whimpers and mutters and by now, I knew when he was about to cum. And he was so close.

"Roger..." he struggled, he legs beginning to shake.

I took this as a hint to go faster as he was about to explode.

"Roger! Ugh..." he suddenly pulled my hair, dragging himself out of my mouth before he came.

This was something that I wasn't used to.

I looked at him wide eyed and confused.

I watched his chest rise and fall with his fast breathing.

With his fingers still tangled in my hair he pulled me towards him so once again, my face was over the top of his.

"Too much for you?" I winked.

He shook his head, biting his lip then letting out a very long and breathy moan of relief, then he pulled me down to his lips again where we made out roughly and clumsily for a minute.

I was now more impatient than ever, harder than ever and wanted him more than ever.

He was lightly stroking my cock as I kissed him which just made the testosterone heighten aswell as the need.

"Fuck, Deaky. I want to fuck you...so bad." I growled, startling myself aswell as him, "Sorry..." I rushed, feeling stupid instantly.

We stared at each other for a moment, in shock.

He looked down awkwardly, "I want you to, Rog..." he whispered.

"What...?" I gasped, my heart rapidly accelerating.

He nodded his head, "Why do you think I wouldn't let you finish me with this?" He smirked, sticking a finger in my mouth.

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