Spare Room.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

Before heading back to mine and Brian's hotel room where Bri was looking after a sorrowful Deaky, I took a little detour, I for one, would not want to share a room with Roger, if he was my boyfriend and he had point blank refused to believe me when I told him a guy who had emotionally abused me a few years ago, suddenly popped back into my life and instead of protecting me, went behind my back and befriended and hired the gremlin.

I personally wouldn't want to be within a fifty mile radius of him. Fuck, he wasn't even my boyfriend and I didn't want to be near him.

So I walked up to the lobby desk with an enquiry to book out another of the rooms that was on our floor. We always booked out the entirety of the top floor wherever we stayed for maximum privacy, but in order to get a key and room service and whatnot, told the desk that we would also be occupying another of the rooms.

I was doing John a favour, this wasn't me saying, you are not going anywhere near that twat, you're staying in your own room.
It was just incase. Just incase he didn't feel like being in the same room as Roger tonight, and if he didn't, this new spare room was there ready and waiting for him. But then again, if he wanted to sleep in the same bed as Roger for whatever reason, he could, I wasn't going to stop him. It was just there as an option.

After successfully negotiating with the receptionist and securing the extra room, I wandered back to the top floor which is where we were situated.

I still didn't know what to tell Deaky...did I lie and tell him everything was fine, that Roger would be coming back up soon ready to apologise to him and leave everything behind them and forget?
That would possibly be one of the biggest lies I'd ever tell if I was to say that...and how would I explain the spare room if everything was supposedly well?

I really didn't want to tell him the truth. He was already fragile and close to breaking point as it was and, being selfish, I wanted to save any kind of drama and just focus on the tour and doing our job. I mean, this is what we're here for, travelling the world bringing our music to the adoring fans and audiences. Not falling out with each other and making loads of bad decisions as if it was just blatantly a lads holiday. Our professionalism and our personal lives should never be mixed. I worked hard to keep my private life absolutely private but the others didn't seem to give a fuck. And it was being mixed into a dangerous cocktail of bringing the tension and arguments onto the stage with us and sharing them with the audiences who really were not interested in who was arguing with who. We were in danger of everything jeopardising our so far almost flawless stage presence.
I swear, if somebody didn't want to perform on a particular night, it shows and sticks out like a sore thumb. We can't be having this, not with so many critics out here. They'll ruin us. None of the other boys seem to care or think about this.

I found myself pacing the corridor of our floor back and forth, glancing at the spare room and fiddling with the key where John could potentially be spending the night, it's door looked exactly identical to that of mine and Brian's room, but what lay behind it wasn't going to be a nice atmosphere where John would get into bed with Roger and peacefully slip into a happy sleep, he instead would wriggle and writhe about the empty and lonely bed, half of him wishing Roger was there to turn and wrap his arms around him, the other half glad he wasn't there because of his bitter betrayal towards him.

I found myself not really wanting to go into our room yet where no doubt Brian was still consoling John, probably telling him that everything's going to be alright and that probably everything will be back to normal before he knows it, whilst giving him a half hearted pat on the shoulder, not really caring because he probably thought it was just one of their silly little arguments again that would be resolved by the morning, but apart from me, nobody really knew the extremity of the situation yet.

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