That Was Evil.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

We split the bill of the taxi and all of us practically fell out of the car. I was very surprised we didn't get fined for someone throwing up but we actually made it back with everyone still carrying everything inside their stomachs.

It had been so fucking hot in that club I'd spent the majority of the evening sweating the alcohol back out of my skin, I desperately needed a shower...bath, anything. I felt disgusting and probably smelt like a rubbish bin.

The cool Scottish morning air was so nice on my battered body before I knew it I was laying on the path on my back, just soaking up the fresh air.

"Freddie. Get up." Roger giggled at me.

I was still a little weirded out by what Rog had told me and his request. What did that mean? They both fancied me? Or if it had to happen they'd let me fuck them? Either way, I'd known them both for years and were more like brothers to me than lovers, I'd never looked at them in that way. Brian was different. I didn't know if I wanted to take on Rogers request or even if I think I'd be capable. That would be kind of leading Deaky on, wouldn't it? What if he got the wrong impression, that I've got a thing for him and that I like him? What if he does go along with it? Does Roger plan on telling him his plan later down the line because it's going to be strange walking around the house with Deaky thinking I want to fuck him. What if he does let me? Of course I wouldn't actually do it but what the fuck will happen between him and Roger? I don't want to be the cause of them breaking up. Especially not after all my hard work in setting them up in the first place.

I didn't even know if I could make my act towards John believable, I'd never fantasised about having sex with him before so how can I make myself appear like I want to without being terribly awkward?

"I can't. It feels so nice." I answered the blonde.

The morning sun was just beginning to rise, it was almost 6am, we'd certainly been living it large tonight. But apart from the two mishaps with Brian, Charlie turning up, the weird story telling by Roger, Deaky almost passing out and me throwing my guts up, it had been an amazing night.

"Come on." The drummer held his hands out and peeled me off of the pavement.

"Roger! Help..." Brian whimpered comically as the bassist was slumping rather uncomfortably against the guitarist and he was struggling to hold John up.

Roger left me and scuttled over to help Brian with Deaky.

I followed the three of them, I couldn't help but smile. Sure, we hated at each other at points and I'm surprised I haven't punched them all yet. But I couldn't live without any of them. They were my best friends and I fucking loved them so. We had some crazy adventures together and my life surely wouldn't be the same without them.

We walked into the calm of the hotel, a large contrast to the busy hustle and bustle of the clubs.

We stuffed ourselves into a lift and made our way up to our rooms.

"Please John, for the love of God do not puke on me when we get into bed." Roger joked.

"I won't..." Deaks mumbled almost inaudibly, he was like a baby, he couldn't even hold his head up.

"Wish me luck." Roger giggled as we piled out of the lift and separated, they went into their room and then me and Brian were left out on the corridor together.

"You know what, I feel like I could go for another hour, I am not tired at all!" Brian beamed as he unlocked our door.

He seemed to be in good spirits which I was more than happy about.

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