Coping Mechanism.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

I slumped into the seat next to Brian and let out a loud sigh, staring straight ahead with my mind clouded with many different thoughts.

I felt his hand rest on my thigh and I turned slowly to look at him, "Alright?" He whispered, concerned.

I tried to half smile but failed, nodding falsely at him and turning away quickly as to avoid any other questions. But he grabbed my hand in his and persuaded me to turn in my seat to look at him.

"Sure?" He stared at me with intent.

I couldn't lie to him, I shook my head.
"I'm worried about him..." I admitted.

"John?" Brian questioned with a whisper.

I nodded a little, "He should have told us this years ago, when it was happening. The only reason he's told us now is because Patrick or whatever the knobheads name is, has reappeared and is threatening John again. I can't stand to know he's frightened, which he is, Bri, I can tell." I licked my lips, trying to concentrate on a strategy that may help our bassist.

"It is a pretty serious situation and I agree, he should have told us about it sooner, but it's over now, Fred. It happened years ago and he's still here, right? And now we've left Patrick far behind and we're going to places he can't find us. Nothing's going to happen." He comforted me and his words did reassure me. Although as horrible as the predicament was that John found himself in all those years ago, at least he was still here, with us.

He'd escaped him. At least it wasn't haunting him. And Brian was right, we had left Patrick behind hours ago, I just hope he wasn't psycho enough to have followed us and look up where we are staying in the next city so he can try to get his hands on John...or Roger.

I was a little annoyed at the drummer, of course I felt awful for him when I learnt what John had done, he was quite right to get upset over the fact that John had denied to Patrick that Roger was his boyfriend. I would have gotten upset over that too. But it was the fact that Roger never seemed to want to resolve a problem himself. He always wanted to shy away and get someone else to do his dirty work for him even when he desperately wants the situation to be resolved.

It was either he was too stubborn, thought himself too good to have to be the man and apologise first or talk to John to settle things.
He just had to let things brew and get worse and worse until one of them explodes and makes things even worse. 

It's childish. Just sort it out quickly and forget about it. I can't stand putting up with long running feuds. Just fuck and make up.

Well, either that or, he's just frightened of hearing something that he doesn't want to hear.

But to bribe me with drugs so that I would sit next to John and find out why he said what he did and who the guy was, was so cowardly.

I shouldn't have accepted his offer but in all honesty, I knew John thought way too highly of the blonde to pretend he wasn't his boyfriend, so knew there was something fishy going off and also genuinely wanted to find out for myself what was the matter. Also, free drugs...bonus.

But I was tired of sorting out their love life. I didn't mind so much when I didn't have Brian, I didn't have anyone else to focus on or distract me from my surroundings, I was happy to help. And to some extent, I still am, it's just I don't want to be part of their relationship anymore which I regretfully was, I might aswell have been in the relationship with them they relied so much on me and my expertise.

But now I had Brian, my own boyfriend and my own relationship to focus on. If something went wrong in my relationship I wanted to sort mine out, not theirs.

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