Cringe And Guilt.

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Roger's P.O.V.

My fists were curled into angry balls as I charged down the hotel corridor to the lift.

What the fuck was that all about? How dare he!

So is that why he won't let me do anything to him? Because he thinks there's something going off between me and Freddie?! When it was him that admitted to me that he likes the singer, I haven't given him any indication whatsoever that I like Freddie.

Well fuck it. If he wants to know so desperately, yes, John. Yes. I fancy Freddie. But no. I would never do that to you. Not like you would do that to me.

The lift door finally opened and I stepped in, immediately punching the metal box with so much force that it dented. I didn't care about the surge of pain that went through my hand after, maybe I deserved it.

It can't be. There has to be another explanation to all of this. Right at the beginning when things were beyond perfect between us he still wouldn't let me do anything sexual to him. There has to be something else. He was just mardy that I wouldn't let him suck me off so was unnecessarily nasty towards me.

I hope he regretted what he said because I just could not get my head around it. Does he really think I'd cheat on him with Freddie?!

The elevator finally opened and I walked out, scanning the lobby and finding Fred, adorned in a huge brown fur coat.

In my rage I had forgotten to grab a coat for myself and it was no doubt freezing outside.

I marched up to him, "Alright..." I greeted.

I felt his hand on my shoulder and he pushed me back a step and I looked at him, to see him looking at me with a puzzled expression.

"Woah...I think we need to take a walk." He said, concerned, obviously seeing the anger in my eyes that wasn't there 10 minutes ago when I last saw him.

I nodded a little and we left the hotel, turning in the opposite direction of town and taking a tour around some quiet streets, soon we found some country lanes, we decided to take a stroll along them.

"Darling, you look freezing! Why on earth didn't you bring a coat? Here." He took off his giant fur coat and draped it around my shoulders.

"Thanks...I didn't think about a coat. I left in a bit of a rage." I tried to laugh but I just couldn't. I felt bad that Fred was now left wearing nothing but a T-shirt.

"You don't say. Thought you were bloody well going to murder me when you came to the lobby." He giggled, lighting up a cigarette.

He offered one to me and I took one, his comment breaking me into a smile.

"Boy trouble?" He asked.

"Life trouble." I scoffed.

"Oh, come on now. It can't be that bad. What happened?"

I sighed heavily, "Deaky thinks we're fucking each other." I shrugged.

He blew the smoke out of his mouth, "What. You are joking right." He looked at me as if I was a piece of bullshit.

"Nope. When you left I went into the bathroom to wash my face and he creeped up behind me and started trying it on with me. I stopped him, told him I wasn't in the mood. Besides, why would I bother letting him when it's not like he'd let me repay the favour. So I told him I was going out to see you."

"Bad move." He cackled.

"Yeah. I know that now. He asked if that was the reason why I didn't want to let him do anything because I was saving my cum up for you. So I said he was being fucking ridiculous and walked out."

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