Dreamin <3

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As soon as Roc and Lexi set foot through the doorstep, everyone ran upstairs to meet them.

Everyone but Roc and Lexi: YOU FOUND ROC !

Prod: Da fuck you mean you was done with this? You betta chill yo dick cuz u can't just ruin it for us like that.

Ray: Right ? Quit bein a drama queen...

Roc: Nigga who you talkin to?!? Lyin and shit just cause you liked Lexi.

Prince: Roc, chill, aight ? I ain't up fo this yet. Roc, where'd you go?

Lexi: I found him at the park...

Roc went to go sit down. He put his elbows on his knees and rested his face in his hands. He sat there in deep thought, looking regrettful and confused.

Savannah: Awwh so you guys are back together?!? Perfect! I was worried that things would be all destroyed and our love-filled summer would end early cause of the problem between you two-

Lexi: No. There's no problem. We just aren't dating anymore.

It was awkward for Lexi to say it while Roc was sitting there, no doubt listening.

Suddenly, the girls all ran upstairs to discuss everything without the guys' interruption and all the boys were there to talk to one another.

Roc let out a loud groan and lept onto his feet.


Ray: Nigga, I said I'm sorry and how the fuck was I supposed to know this was gonna happen.

Prince: He's right, Roc. Stop buggin.

Roc: Shut the hell up, Prince, you already knew all this shut was happening. why didn't you say anything!?!

Prince: Cause it was important to Lexi that it stayed a secret and Lexi's my friend.

Roc: Secret my ass.. You sound retarded. You just jealous cause I got a sexy, perfect girlfriend and all of yall just wanted to fuck that up!

Shane: Roc, quit shitting bricks. First of all, you're being ridiculous. These guys here, they're your FRIENDS. Last time I checked, a brother don't do that shit to another brother. And, two, you HAD a perfect, sexy girlfriend. You let her go. My advice, don't try and hurt everyone you love over one small heartbreak. Besides, it was only a false alarm.

Roc took a deep breath, inhaling all of the information given to him. It was all true.

Roc: Listen guys, I'm sorry. I just... I'm just ... Tired. Thanks for bein by my side and all, but imma have to sleep on this. It's too much for me.

Roc made his way to the door and stopped right before he left and turned around.

Roc: Oh, and I didn't tell Keisha yet so you guys can finish your sunmer. Have fun.

Roc said it in a sad, rough voice and you could tell he truly wasn't content. The last thing heard was his footsteps running up the steps.

Prince: *thinking* There are way too many secrets in this house.

Prince turned to Shane: So how's Kiwi?

Shane: Shes great. I really like her and all.. But I dont feel like she's really interested anymore.

After a long silence, Shane asked,

Shane: Do you guys know if there's someone ... Else?

Prince: Nawwh..

Prod: No I don't think so.

Ray: * lying* No..

RayRay's hands started getting clammy and his roots curled up so that his braids looked like they were shrinking.

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