Blue eyes

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You couldn't have missed him, not even for a split second, and that was because of the beautiful blue eyes that put the ocean to shame that adorned his sculpted face. He was beautiful.

He was just across the museum, admiring the art. You weren't one to be so flustered over boys but he was just so mesmerizing. You snapped your eyes off of him, realizing you were probably staring.

You had been so caught up in trying not to act obvious you almost didn't sense his presence right beside you. "I think sometimes they get so focused on trying to make something deep they forget to make it enjoyable to look at." He said to you.

Your ears perked up at the sound of his smooth and low voice, an accent tied to it. He was talking to you. "I agree, I don't even know what she's trying to do." You said with a giggle, both of you looking at the sculpture in front of you with cocked heads.

"Maybe she's taking a shower, without water." He said matter-o-factly. You laughed, turning and looking up to meet his gaze. "Maybe so, wouldn't be convenient though would it?" You said back with a smile.

"Oh not at all." He said back, with a smile just as beautiful as the rest of him. "My names Dacre, yours?" He said, his eyes still concentrated on your face as if he was admiring it. "Y/n." You said with a small smile, your cheeks beginning to heat up.

"Do you come here often? You definitely look like the artsy type." You said with a teasing laugh. "Eh, sometimes, haven't found any artwork worth admiring until now." He said, turning towards you. Your heart began to beat fast.

"Is that your winning pick up line?" You said sarcastically. "Depends, did it work or was it too cheesy?" He said with a humorous face, making you laugh again. "No it's working, good job." You said.

"I usually don't do this type of stuff, despite how my cheesy pick up lines may make it seem, I'm not an expert." He said with a sarcastic tone, a smile on his face. "But maybe we could go out sometime?" He asked, hopefulness in his voice.

"You know, you've made an impression on me blue eyes, so how could I say no?" You said with a laugh, making his eyes light up. "Are you doing anything now? Other than looking at confusing sculptures that is." He said, gesturing towards the weird artwork.

You giggled, tucking your hair behind your ear before replying. "No I'm not." He smiled, his hands in his pockets. "Do you wanna go grab some food? Complain about things some more together?" He asked. "I'd love that." You said, as he reached his hand out with a humorous gesture.

You took it, doing the same humorous curtsy. "Is that what your people do? You know, the brits?" You said, making his eyebrows raise and an almost offended look on his face appear. You laughed, saying "I'm just kidding, I know you're Australian, you should have seen your face!" You said, beginning to laugh.

He began to laugh with you, a sigh of relief coming from his pink lips. "That was a good one, I knew I liked you." He said, a smile on his face as the two of you walked across the street to get food. Maybe looking at weird artwork was worth it, especially if it led you to meet him.

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