Chapter 20

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Seth's pov

I woke up with an intense head ache. I grown and rubbed my eyes.

"Seth? Oh my god baby, are you ok?" I heard a voice say but it wasn't Sean like it usually was.

My eyes snapped open and I looked towards the source of the voice. I gasped and rubbed my eyes again, not wanting to believe what I was seeing.

"Seth say something, please?" Jass said.

He had a black eye and dried blood on his face as well as a knife sticking out of his hand, blood running down the armrest and down the leg of the chair and pooling on the floor in a small puddle.

I forced myself to open my mouth despite the pain.

"J-Jass..." I forced out.

I crawled towards him slowly, looking him straight in the eyes for any sign of discuss or hatred in his eyes but saw nothing.

Once I had managed to reach him without the use of my broken hand and ankle, I tentatively reached out to touch his knee, scared that he would disappear and this only be a dream.

I let out a small sob when my hand made contact with his solid flesh and bone leg. He was really here!

"Seth baby, you have to untie me please. We need to get out of here." He said gently.

"I'm sorry..." I said, making him frown.

"For what baby? None of this is your fault." He told me.

"I-I couldn't stop him. I'm filthy." I whimpered.

"What? No baby. Your not filthy, no matter what they did to you you could never be filthy, your perfect. I love you and I will always love you no matter what." He said, making me tear up more.

"You wouldn't s-say that i-if you knew what he f-forced me to d-do." I said.

"I would never say otherwise Seth. I fucking love you and nothing will ever change that." He said, making me smile a little.

Then I remembered what I had to do and started undoing the knots on the ropes around his hand, then his feet. He yanked the knife out of his hand and kept it to use later.

"You can't walk like that. Give me your hand." He said, reaching out to me.

I placed my good hand in his and he gently pulled me up so that I was standing on my good foot.

"Get on my back, I'll cary you." He said, putting one knee on the floor to allow me to get on.

I did as he asked and wrapped my arms around his neck loosely. He got up, walked towards the door slowly and cracked it open, peeking out to see if the coast was clear.

"Wait! He c-caught me every time I tried to es-cape. He's always o-one step ahead. W-We're not gonna make i-it." I struggled to tell Jass.

"Don't worry baby, I'll get you out of here even if I die trying." He said.

"No! I love you too, I don't want to lose you." I shouted.

"Y-you do?" He stuttered.

"Yes, now don't you dare die trying to save me, ok?" I said, my jaw hurting like no tomorrow but I had to tell him.

"Ok baby, I won't. But I will get you out of here no matter what." He said before pulling the door open slowly.

He crept out of the room, holding the knife up in front of him. The living room and kitchen were empty but I had a feeling that the two monsters who kidnapped me weren't far.

"Wait, you s-should know, D-Deamon has a gun." I whispered in Jass's ear.

"Ok, baby. Thanks for the heads up." He whispered back.

He walked to the front door and opened it slowly, checking outside to make sure no one is there as I checked behind us in the house to make sure no one snuck up on us.

He exited the house and immediately made his way the the car that was parked in front of the house. He used the handle of the knife to break the passenger side window and unlocked the doors as the alarm system went off.

"Shit." He breathed out, placing me in the car quickly.

Just as he was straightening back up he froze. I looked up at him questioningly when he suddenly spun around, lashing out with the knife. I heard someone grunting and something metallic hitting the ground and I imeadeatly knew that it was Deamon and that Jass had managed to get the gun out of his hands.

Jass slashed Deamon across the chest with the knife and kicked him in the stomach, making him fall back on the ground. Jass used this to his advantage and grabbed him by the hair, placing the knife up against his throat.

"I am so gonna enjoy killing you for what you did." He said, pressing the knife down a little harder on Deamon's throat.

I was so concentrated on the fight between Jass and Deamon that I hadn't noticed Sean getting in to the car from the driver side until the barrel of a gun was pressed to the back of my head. I instantly froze, my breath hitching in my throat.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Sean said, making Jass look up at us.

His eyes drifted from my face to the gun.

"Drop the knife." Sean commanded.

Jass hesitated for a second before letting the knife fall to the floor and releasing his grip on Deamon's hair.

Deamon shot to his feet and whirled around, punching Jass in the face, sending him to the ground.

I pulled myself to out of the car and fell to my knees as my legs gave out due to the pain of stepping on my broken ankle. I crawled towards Jass but was stopped by Deamon grabbing a hold of the front of my shirt and holding me in place.

"Jass!" I shouted, reaching for him but he was not moving.

Deamon pulled me towards him and leaned down towards me.

"You won't escape us. Jass or no Jass." He whispered before punching me in the face and shoving me to the ground.

He started kicking me over and over again all over my upper body.

"Deamon, stop!" Sean yelled.

Deamon pulled me up by the front of my shirt again and punched me hard across the face, knocking me out instantly.

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