Chapter 31

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Jass's pov

I can't stand to see him like this. I kills me inside every time he panics. I should have saved him sooner. God, why am I so incompetent?

Thoughts rushed through my head as I lay on the bed with Seth and Blaine. He had just had another panic attack and is now sleeping. Tears blurred my vision as I thought of all the horrible things Seth must have gone through.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Blaine whispered from Seth's other side, reaching out and wiping the tears from my cheek.

"I failed him. I couldn't save him before all this damage was done. I'm such a screw up." I whispered back.

"Don't beat yourself up like that. It was my fault, not yours." He answered.

"What? How? You put all your money into trying to find him, you went out there yourself to look for him. You did everything you could." I stated.

"No, I didn't... I stopped you from going out and finding him. Had I let you go you would have found him in no time. You know this town better then me now with all the new developments and stores." He murmured.

I stared at him and was surprised to see him crying too. I took his hand in mine and placed them on Seth's chest gently so that I wouldn't wake him up.

"We both fucked up and we will have to live with that for the rest of our lives but we'll make it up to him, right?" I asked and Blaine nodded.

We both jumped when a soft giggle filed the room.

"God, your both so over dramatic." Seth said, opening his eyes.

Blaine and I looked at him quizzically.

"None of what happened was your fault. You both did everything you could to save me and you did, I'm here now and it's over so stop what ever this is and let me sleep." Seth said.

"Sorry..." Blaine and I said at the same time.

We looked at each other before I turned away and glanced back at Seth. He was watching us with a raised eyebrow.

"Ok, sleep can wait. What's going on between you two?" He asked in a suspicious voice.

"What do you mean?" Blaine questioned.

"Don't play stupid. You know what I'm talking about. That look you just shared, you holding hands... Spit it out." Seth demanded, looking pissed.

I removed my hand from Blaine's and an uncomfortable silence settled in the room. What was all this about? There was nothing going on between me and Blaine at the moment. We wanted to talk to Seth first...

"Oh god no! It's not like that baby I swear! I would never do something like that behind your back baby, I swear we were gonna talk to you about the options first! I would never cheat on you." I said as it clicked that he thought we were seeing each other secretly like those two monsters had done.

"What options?" Seth questioned.

"Well, we talked me and Jass, after you passed out from your first panic attack, and we agreed that making you chose between both of us was pretty mean plus it was probably going to be very hard for you to make the choice so..." Blaine trailed off.

"We um... agreed to give you a third option if you want. But if you don't want to, we forget everything about it! It's just another option." I continued.

"Ok, what is it?" Seth asked.

"Um... We thought that maybe... you would want to go out with both of us at the same time..." I said and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"B-Both of you?" Seth repeated.

"Yeah... but if you don't want to we won't." Blaine answered.

"R-Realy? You would do that for me, so that I don't have to chose?" Seth questioned.

"Of course baby. As long as your happy, I'm happy. Plus I think I could actually come to like this guy one day." I said.

"H-How would it work?" Seth asked.

"Well, I guess we would all be going out with each other. Blaine and I think we could make it work. Of course we would have to get to know each other better but if it's what you want we are willing to do it." I explained as Blaine nodded along.

"Oh, thank god. I don't think I could live with myself if I had to reject one of you. Are you sure your both ok with this?" Seth said.

"We're the ones who offered aren't we?" Blaine said and Seth nodded.

"Ok, so it's a plan. I will go get us some lunch." I said, getting up but being sopped by Blaine.

"Wait, I'll go. Your leg is not healed completely yet." Blaine said.

"Don't be ridiculous. Your arm isn't healed either, how do you expect to carry trays of food with only one arm? I may be in a wheelchair but at least I have two hands to carry the trays." I retorted and sat back in the wheelchair before moving towards the door.

"Besides, your one my boyfriends now so I have to take care of you too." I said, winking and rolling out of the room.

I made my way down to the first floor and into the cafeteria. I grabbed three sandwichs, boxes of jus and jello, placing them on one tray and starting on my way back up to the room.

I know I told Blaine that he would not be able to carry the food with one hand, which he technically would have been able to do since it all fit in one tray, but I didn't want him working to hard since I knew that he had not been sleeping since the accident with Deamon, as was made obvious by the dark bags under his eyes.

Once I made it up to the floor we stayed on, I started wheeling myself through the halls, being careful not to drop the tray that was on my lap.

"Jass! Just the patient I was looking for!" The doctor assigned to my recovery called out, appearing out of a room to my left.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"I was on my way to inform you that at this point in your recovery you should start walking again a little. I suggest you to walk the length of the hall your room is in and back, that should be enough for now." He explained.

"Really?! That's awesome!" I exclaimed, grabbing the tray in my hands and getting up.

I started walking away quickly before he could complain.

"I said the length of the hall Jass. This is too much. If you force you body too much, you could damage it more then it already is." He said, catching up to me with the wheelchair.

"Calm down, I feel fine." I said and continued walking.

He followed me back to the room in silence and left the wheelchair beside the door for me.

I looked over at the bed and Seth and Blaine where huddled up together, sleeping. I pulled out my phone and snapped a quick picture. They were honestly too cute like that and I couldn't bring myself to wake them up just yet so I sat down in the chair beside the bed and decided to let them sleep a little longer.

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